Alessia and ella oneshot

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What happens when the lioneses decide to have some fun a,d play a game of seven minuites in heaven after wining the Arnold clark cup, this is how alessia and Ella started.
Ella's pov
It feels amazing to have won another trophy with the lionesses, I run straight into Alessias arms, she hugs me and kisses my cheek, I blush a deep shade of red. We've both been out for a year now and I'm starting to really like her as more than a friend or best friend, I just hope she feels the same way as me. We get our medals and trophies and head back to the hotel some of the players including me and less decide to play seven minutes in heaven. It's my turn, I spin the bottle and it lands on less, we go into the bathroom, and she says " whatever happens in here, we talk about it when we're ready to not before". I nod understanding what she means, pushes me against the wall and kisses me, I kiss back clothes are removed and let just say we quite literally have a fucking good time, we have a few more kisses before putting our clothes back on and when we come out everyone looks at us, I know it was more than seven minutes but I don't care.

After talking to Leah in the first chapter
Alessias pov
I go back up to mine and Ella's room, she siting on her bed, I join her and she looks at me, I say first of all " I don't want to ruin our friendship but I can't stop thinking about seven minutes in heaven, I really like you ella and I don't care what anyone else thinks". She looks at me and says " neither can I to be be honest, I really like you to less and Id only care what you think, if we get haters then stuff them, as long as we know what we have is real then that's all I care about". We kiss and fall backwards onto the bed,with me on top of her, we rip each other's clothes off. Later we're naked under the covers, Ella kisses me and says " how would you feel about a date next week?". I kiss back and say "I'd love to go on a date with you", she throws the covers over us and we don't go for round to but we come close.

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