Nobbs and wiliamson christmass

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Leah's pov
Today is Christmas Day ,  I see jordan still sleeping,she looks so beautiful and peaceful when she sleeps, I kiss her head and come out of our room.both our families decided to spend Christmas here , im going to ask for Jordan's family's permission to propose today, my family are coming later and Jordan parents and Nan stayed over last night. I know how hard today is going to be for jordan, it's her first Christmas without her grandad. I decide to make her breakfast in bed, Jordan's dad comes out hugs me and wishes me a merry christmass. Ounce I've finished making breakfast I go back into our room, to see a mountain of present on the bed, it's so big I can't see jordan until i give her the breakfast and get back under the covers. After breakfast jordan looks at me and says " so what do want open first?". I look at her and say " these ar t all min, are they?", she nods, smiles and says the presents I got for the others are still in the secret hiding spot and before you say it's to muc nothing is to much for my baby girl, you deserve it".

Jordan's pov
She opens the pressents ( clothes, perfume, shoes,bags, jewlery, makeup, two framed picture of us one with the World Cup and the other with the sports personality of the year trophy and lots of other things). She kisses me and says " thank you so much jord, you're the best girlfriend ever and you'll make an amazing mum as well".  She gets out of bed goes into the wardrobe and gets my presents out, it's a bigger pile than my pressents for her. She gives me the pressents ( perfume, clothes,shoes,jewellery, makup and lots of other things including a framed picture of me and my grandad last year). I kiss her and say " thank you so much Leah , I honestly don't know what I done to deserve you". After a delicious christmass diner we chill for the rest of the day, playing games and watching films, I love our families so,much and it feels,amazing to have been accepted by the Williamsons. Later I see Leah's youngest brother billy outside, I go outside with him a d say " what are you doing outside?"  He looks at me burst into tears and comes out tome, I promise he's going to be supported, he comes out to the whole family and there all really supportive.

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