First date as an oficial couple

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Jordan's pov
Today I'm taking Leah on our first date as an official couple, next month I'm going to the wiliamsosns for a meal my parents know my girlfriend is Leah, it slipped out and I swore them to secrecy. Tonight I'm taking Leah bowling, we're having cocktails afterwards and then we're going back to hers and having her favourite takeaway.I arrive at the house we used to share, Leah opens the door and brings me into her arms , she shuts the door and say " babe I just got a call from your mum", I say " I'm so sorry , it just slipped out, I swore them both to secrecy and the first thing they do is call you, I'll call them later and give them a piece of my mind". She kisses me and says " no you won't, they just wanted to thank me for treating you so well, I know it's frustrating but they love you and want only what's best for you". I hold her hand and say " babe I know it's going to be hard for you, keeping a secret like this from your family, I'm,so nervous about it".

Leah's pov
I kiss jordan and say " hey just text me when you're outside, I'll give you a captain, best freined and girlfriend pep talk all in one, now what do I need to wear for tonight?". Jordan whispers " you look perfect the way you are, you don't have to wear anything in bed later, I'm not going to and I'm sure you're going to love what I have planned". I'm so turned on right now, I change into a different top, and then it's time to go. I thrash jords at bowling, she was right I love this, she's so thoughtful like that, even though she's very forgetful. Right now we're having our last cocktail, I take some pictures, some of jords, but most of them are selfies of both of us. We walk home as both the bowling alley and cocktail bar are walking distance, as soon as we get in, jordan orders my favourite takeaway and pays for it. Our takeaway is absolutely delicious, I look at jordan and say "for someone who's the most forgetful person ever, this was very well planned". Later I take her hand and lead her into the spare room and say " no one is moving in till next month I'll wash the sheets" she bites her lip and kisses me, I kiss back and we make love.

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