Engagement anouncment and party

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Jordan's pov
Today we're announcing our engagement and having a party to celebrate. Serena hired a venue for us, as an engagement present, she's been amazing since she arrived, supporting me and Leah with everything. Me and Jordan get our instagram posts ready and there a few pictures in It we're doing a joint post. We post it and I just hope the reaction is good because I don't think I will deal with the haters very well. I kiss Leah and say " now we can just relax and enjoy tonight", she pulls me onto her lap and says " jords I love you and I hope you know I meant everything I said at the hospital". I kiss her and say " of course I know you ment it, you wouldn't have said it if you didn't mean it and for the record,I love you more". She is es me and says "impossible ", I get off her lap and get showered and dressed. I can't wait for our baby boy to come, I fell like I should be doing things to help,around the house but I can't beacause of the baby and I just feel really guilty.

Leah's pov
I can see Jordan's struggling, I kiss her and say " babe don't worry, I'm fine with doing the house work until our boy is here, don't fell guilty, just put your feet up and relax". Jordan kisses me and says " thank you so much Leah,you always know what to say to calm me down". Later that night I drive us to the engagement party, evreyone cheers when we come in and congratulates us. I can see Jordan's Nan in the corner siting on her own, I sit next to her and say " he'd have loved this", she says " he would've done, I just wish he could see jordan now and see how happy you've made her, rpthank younso much, you've always looked out for her since you first joined the team". I hug her and leave her , Keira says " so after spending so long loving jordan how does it feel to be marrying her?". I say " it fells a,aging and fyi I didn't love her for that long before we got together". Georgia says " bullshit, we all saw those looks to her, and blushes, anyone could see you were head over heals with her since you first joined the arsenal team". I blush, I can't hide it anymore when I first met jordan, I thought wow shes fit and I had a huge crush on her and over time it turned into love, I can't believe I'm lucky enough to be the one marrying her.

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