World cup group stage

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Jordan's pov
I wake up on the first day of our first match of the wold cup, Leah is still sleeping, yes we're roommates, sarena let us chose who we'd like to room with. I creep out of my bed and get into Leah's, being carful not to wake her. She wakes up about five minuets later, she smiles and says " what a nice way to wake up, a hot but mini footballer in my bed who just happens to be my girlfriend ". I turn us around so I'm on her lap and say " hey if you don't want to be kissed than that's your choice". She looks scared I kiss her and say " I may be mini but I am mighty and it's nice to know I still have that affect on you". She spins us around i fall off the bed, I bust out laughing, Leah jumps out of bed, holds my hand and tearfully says " babe I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, you've worked so hard to get back on the team and I've ruined it". I kiss her and say "you haven't ruined anything I might not be able to play today but I fell fine, I'll talk to Serena she'll understand it was an accident ".

Leah's pov
I Cary jords back into bed, and kiss her, I fell so guilty, I know she said it wasn't my fault but it was. I shower and get dressed, I can't see jordan anywhere , I hear a knock on my door it's Serena she says " she's just geting checked out by the medical team, it shouldn't be to serious, don't blame yourself it was an accident". I say " one which could have cost her the chance to play in another major tounament", she hugs me and says " it's clear , you love her , go to her, she'll need you". Later I'm at the stadium about to play our first game against Haiti.

Starting x1
Mary earps
Lucy bronze
Leah Williamson ( c)
Millie bright
Alex greenwood
Keira Walsh
Georgia stanway
Ella toone
Beth mead
Alessia Russo
Chloe Kelly

We thrash them 9-0 I scored one, I'm pleased but I still feel so gusty about Jordan, she chases after me and takes me into the changing rooms, nobody's here yet. She pulls me onto her lap kisses me and says " baby I'm so proud of you, scorning your first goal in a major tounament, I know you still fell guilty but I'm fine, the medics said I can play the next game, you're a good person with a good heart and I couldn't love you more if I tried". I smile and kiss her she always knows what to say when I'm felling down, or stressed. We won our group wining all three games and being the only team not to conceded a goal yet in the whole tournament.

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