Lucy and keiras wedding/ ella and alessia fight

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Leah's pov
Today we're in Barcelona for Lucy and Keira's wedding, we hear arguing in lees and toners room, I get put of bed and see Rooney screaming her head off, jordan pulls her into our room , I go into their room to check on less. I look at her and say " what happened?", she burts into tears I run to her , she says " I need to apologise ", I say " from what I heard Ella owes the apology not you". She says " I love her so much, the thought of her being hurt by joe is unbearable, I saw bruises on her, I should've asked her about them , ealier but I didn't, she told me joe used to beat her". I say " as bad as that was, it dosent give her the right to scream at you the way she was". We hear a knock on our door I open it to see Jordan and Ella, she's obviously calmed down. I let them both in and Ella holds Alessias hand and says " babe I'm so sorry, what joe done was wrong, I know that, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that, I had no right to, you were just caring and trying to understand, I love you so much less , please forgive me".

Jordan's pov
Less kisses her and says " I forgave you straight away, I should've asked you about the bruises earlier". Me and Leah go back to our room, Leah wraps her arms around me and says " I'm so Sorry pushing ŷou away babe, you were my best friend". I kiss her and say " it's okay babe, I knew she wasn't right for you abut I had no idea what she was capible of until it was to late ". Leah knows how Ella fells as she was abused five years ago, that's why she moved in with me. Later we're at the ceremony, it's absolutely beautiful, me ,leah,less and Toney are sat in one row, ther are some other lionesses here and Barca and city teammates. They exchange vows and kiss, we go to the reception which is amazing. I sit next to less, we're both laughing appt leah and Ella dancing, I say " our girls are amazing, living their best lives after everything they've been through ". Less turns to me smiles and says "yes they are, we're so lucky the chose us ours of all the girls".

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