My Master

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Mary POV-

I peek around the corner trying to get a glimpse of him without getting caught. I have a unique way of looking at the world my mother always said an I guess this is one of them, looking at the world from a distance. That's when I spot him. There he is, my master, the prince.

I've been doing this ever since I was 14. I'm now 16 years old. The story is the same for every human you ask, we'll that is if you can find one who's made it out alive. I learned it in school when I was 7. I never really understood it until my 14th birthday.

Every year in my town when a girl is fourteen she is offered to the Vampire King. But since so many people have been offered to him, he lost count and would just kill or sell us to other vampires to make a small profit. it's been like this since the vampire war.

During this war, the queen died and nobody knew how, the king just locked himself in his room an didn't come out for months. While he was grieving, his eldest son took over. no one has ever seen prince Drake, Alex, or Simone since the war started.

Since then my parents have been dreading the day of my 14th birthday. It had been a week before my birthday and my parents started to lose it. They cried and begged me to run away, but I had to be brave for them and respect our king.

I never really blamed the king for what he did. if I wasn't accepted in the world I would be angry myself, he has hurt me and my family so I had nothing to say about him.

What people say is he is cruel and hates humans for taking away his mate.

The morning of my 14th birthday should have been happy and exciting, but it was everything but that, I was scared to death. I got up and put on my dress from last year's birthday and put up my hair in a pretty hairstyle only supposed to be done on special occasions.

I walked out to see my parents sitting there looking at the blank wall in front of them. I go to the fridge and find an apple for breakfast. I sat down at the table next to them. During the silence I started to examine the apple. It was red, the color of blood that would soon be dripping down my neck. I chuckle thinking about what a sick mind I have.

I look up and see my mother staring at me with tears falling down her cheeks and my father looking everywhere but me.

Finally my mother speaks up, "Hunny, as you know it's your fourteenth birthday and I think you should know about your past before you are taken aw-" she didn't finish the sentence knowing she couldn't without crying.

I had never known much about my past except the part that my parents had told me about when I was found in the woods crying, bleeding and almost dead when I was four. Whenever i got curious and asked then they would instantly shut me down. I waited eagerly for them to tell me more.

"You know we love you so much hunny, even if you're not biologically ours." she said looking at my father. "The day we found you, you weren't alone, there was someone else with you." Someone else? Someone who knows about my past?

My father finally spoke," It was a little boy about your age. He had blood all over him, but it wasn't his." he grimaced as if remembering it clearly as the night itself. "He wouldn't let us take you, but finally he did hand you over to us only saying to protect you before running into the woods."

"He had a mark on his wrist Hunny, it was the mark of the -" she was cut off by the door being broken down by royal guards. The pointed guns at s screaming "It's time".

My parents were also screaming and instantly shoving me behind both of them tying to protect me. My father punched the closest guard he could find. Suddenly, more guards came in and threw him to the ground. They kicked him on the floor until he lost so much blood that he fell unconscious.

I screamed when they dragged me out of the house. I screamed when they dragged me past the towns people who looked at me with pity. I screamed past the gate that protected us from danger our whole live, only to be dragged out to our deaths. The guards finally stopped and threw me in a clearing that looked like a offering alter. Then, they turned and just left.

All the servants said that I had gotten hypothermia and that's why I couldn't remember anything. I just remember waking up in the arms of the prince, while he was carrying me to the castle.

No one has ever seen him outside of the castle and I could see why. He was gorgeous. His brown dark hair that waved in his face. His pure, clear skin and crystal, blue eyes. 'Why wasn't he killing me?' I thought. At the time, I thought he was an angel sent to save me. He looked down at me and whispered, "I will never let anyone hurt you."

Snapping back to the present I see him heading in my direction. I quickly hurry away in the opposite direction, hoping he didn't see me. I look back and don't see him behind me. I sigh in relief and turn back forward just in time to see the King standing in front of me. I instantly look down, thankfully, without screaming. The Vampire King has the ability to control anybody he wants with his eyes. He can make anyone see, do, touch or say anything.

"Ah yes, there you are," he says reaching out and brushing a piece of hair from my face, "the servant my son saved from the woods." I'm sure I heard a hint of pity in his voice.

"I need you to bring some "tea" to my son's room, hes been very nervous lately." he smirks and walks away chuckling to himself. I stay still for a couple minutes trying to understand what just happend.

I suddenly scramble to get his "tea". I can't wait to see him. I almost split the "tea" five times from how fast i was going down the hall. I look down at the" tea" thinking of the person this tea had come from, and how it could have been me. It was sick. To think they could kill innocent people to fill their need. I turn a sharp corner and find the door inches from my face.

I take a deep breath and knock on the door. I wait there for a minute and there's no answer. I knock again. Still no answer. I swing open the door. I can't see anything in the room except the light flooding in from the hallway. I tiptoe in and set the tray down on the table near the bed.

I look around the room, and my heart drops. It was empty. I was really hoping I would see him. All that was in the room was a huge bed and a desk. I walk over to the desk seeing there was a bunch of letters and pictures torn. I pick up a picture of a little boy holding hands with someone but she has been torn out.

I start to leave when the door slams shut. I stop breathing and listen. "Who the hell are you!?" An angry voice demanded. I hear a scream and realize that it came from me.


hey guys, this is my new book im writing and i hope you like it. please vote, and save to your library :)

------------------------editied by the amazing kadi!! aka purplelamp216---------------------------

songs of the story- wake me when septmeber ends by Green day

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