My Master- Chapter 4

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Mary's POV-

I walk down the halls, avoiding all the stares. Word had gotten around what had happened last week, and I haven't heard one gossip topic that wasn't somehow related to me. These stupid idiots couldn't find anything else in their pathetic lives to do but gossip about other servants.

I sigh walking down towards the brother's room to clean his "mess" up from his last meal. I knock to see if hes still in there. After a minute of no response I go into his room seeing the blood all over the sheets. If there wasn't blood everywhere, it would look like a regular boy's bedroom.

He had a guitar propped up on his wall along with tons of posters of Pierce the Veil and Sleeping with the Sirens. I liked their music really, but some songs are just too much for me. And ever since the envision they haven't made any new albums(said in a sarcastic voice).

I soon get to work with my annual routine by burning the sheets from existence and spraying air freshener everywhere until it smelled like Jesus's butthole. I couldn't stand the smell of blood.

I finally got done earlier than I expected and look around at my fine work. Leaving the room looking untouched just like how they liked it, I continue down the halls.

I started walking down the hall, when I noticed nobody was around. I thought this was odd since the castle was always busy. I sigh, brushing it off and keep walking down the hall. They must all be at lunch since it was noon already. While I was lost in thought I didn't see the closet door open beside me.

 The closet right next to me sprung open and a blurry figure jumped out and grabbed me pulling me into the closet. My first instinct was to scream, which I tried before he turned me around so my back was pressing against his chest and his hand covered my mouth.

"Shh," the stranger whispered into my ear. OH HELL NO! I was not going to get closet raped. Right when his hand started slithering into my pants I bit his hand with all my jaw strength. I tasted blood.

"GOD DAMMIT!" he yelled releasing me as I scrambled to turn on the light. With a burst of hock from the light, which is never turned on, the closet is swarmed with light.

I look up an see the prince there clutching his hand. I gasp, running over to him and grab his hand. I wrap my apron around his bleeding hand and then kissing it.

"I'm so sorry Prince, I thought you were a rapist and I couldn't lose my virginity to someone other than yo-" I stopped short blushing red. He chuckled wrapping his arms around me.

"I've told you a million times Mary, call me Drake," he said snuggling into the crook of my neck sucking on it.

Pushing him away and composing myself, I say," Yes but its not proper, no matter how close I am to you, I am still a servant." I put my hair into a bun again from when it fell out while I was struggling. "And no hickeys, someone might see and ask questions."

The prince and I have been meeting in secret since the week after his father almost beat me to death. Thankfully the wounds had healed enough with the special medicine the prince stole for me that makes you heal faster.(Hunger Games)

 Since that day we haven't got enough of each other. Making out is the farthest we have gone of course, not because we didn't want to go further, which the prince did, but because his father has been keeping an eye on me.

Suddenly his eyes turn black as he sniffs the air. He rushes at me wrapping his arms around me, not romantically but forcefully. "Why do you smell like my brother?" he growls. I sigh leaning into him resting my head against his chest. This wasn't the first time he accused me of cheating, yesterday it was about me talking to another worker about cleaning bed sheets. Who was a freaking girl!

"I'm not cheating on you for the last time Jake." I growl out his name as if it was poison. He wrapped his arms more tightly around me.

"Of course you wouldn't, because your mine and if anyone else touched you I'd break their necks." he kisses the top of my head. I look up at him and smile. I love it when he calls me his. I would have never dreamed in a million years this would be happening to me.

I kiss him on the lips whispering, "I have to get back to work." He kisses me once more before letting me leave. I smile and hold my head high thinking I was the luckiest person on earth.


Hey guys, Im so happy when writing this book, its my favorite. I'm sorry if theres any mistakes.I'm writing from wattpad. They seriously need spelling check, but I'm lucky that The Amazing Kadi (purplelamp216) edits for me(:

I don't post chapters unless there's 10 reads on each, so hurry up and read. Please comment any ideas you have and vote :)

Oh, and the song for this chapter is Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand

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