My Master-chapter 26

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Macy's POV-

I sat there trembling in front of my house. The grass I used to play in was dead and the laughs and music that would fill the halls were gone. 

"WHERE ARE YOU!" I screamed to the house. I couldn't take this anymore. I screamed for them as if I was a child.  I started to choke from crying so much. Trying to catch my breathe I touched the fence in front of me running my hands over it. I crouched down and tucked my face away between my knees.

I saw a rock in between my legs sitting at my feet. I reached down and curled my hand around the jagged edges. I squeezed it hard turning it over and over in my hand.I then stood up and let out a sigh. I threw the rock with all my might and it hit the house with a loud thud. It felt good. I picked up another rock and did the same thing. This time it hit a window.

I kept picking them up and throwing them, making marks in the side of the building and shattering windows. It wasn't enough though. I took a sharp rock and held it over my wrist pressing down until I saw a dot of blood.

"MARY STOP!" a voice screamed behind me. They took my arm and held it up, squeezing it hard until I couldnt help but drop the rock. I look up through my tears and see Drake.I almost fell for that sad expression, almost.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" I screamed yanking my arm out of his grasp. I stumble back into the fence and scratch my hands on the surface. He looked at me with such a sad expression, almost as if he pitied me. I couldn't stand it.

I turned the other way and tried to run but I saw a bunch of people circled around us. They stared at us shocked and scared. As if I was a monster, or a vampire. 

I smirk, "Don't worry everyone, I'm one of you." I laugh and look back at drake pointing at him. "This is the monster you all so desperately fear." I walked towards him and jabbed him in the chest."You have only hurt me, to think I thought of you as an angel." I scoff and turn back around ready to leave.

"Mary this isn't you." He whispers.

I whip back around and scream, "I KNOW THIS ISN'T ME, THIS IS THE ME YOU CREATED! YOU HAVE TURNED ME INTO A MONSTER, DESTROYING EVERYTHING I EVER LOVED!" I raise my hand to slap him when a hand held it back again. I turn back around and saw Simon looking at me. 

He wasn't looking at me with pity or sadness. He just looked at me, as if he saw what pain I was going through. He just looks at me and wraps his arms around me, so tight I could barely breath. I struggled against him, trying to break free. It was no use to even try so I let myself go limp in his arms, crying into his jacket.

He just held me and spoke to Drake behind me. "Do you see what you have done brother, because of your weakness and self-pity, you have ruined this girl." I didn't heard Drake reply, just the whispers of the crowd.

Suddenly a voice from the crowd shouted, "Mary, is that you?" I looked up and saw a boy my age come through the crowd. He had sandy hair and bright blue eyes. He looked at me and smiled. He came closer to me, walking with a limp.

"Mary, I thought I never would see you again." He kept limping closer when a guard comes out from the crowd of people and grab him by the collar. The boy starts to choke from his collar around his neck.

He looked so familiar like a boy I used to know. Then I knew who he was. I push out of Simon's arms and run to him. 

"Put him down now!" I cry out. The guard looks at me and drops him. I skid to a stop and kneel down on bother legs hugging him. "Jack, its you!" I whispered into his shoulder.

He puts an arm around my waist and hugs me back. "It's been a while Mary."

Simon's POV-

Somehow after all of the craziness, we ended up at this guy named Jack's house. It was quite small, no different from all the rest of the houses. But when you re fitting two princes, a girl who claims shes two people(Mary/Elizabeth) and two guards it gets kinda cramped.

We all sat around a small wooden table, me and jack on either side of Elizabeth and Drake across from us. Mary was the first to break the silence.

"Jack, it's so great to see you!" She says smiling. He smiles back at her. I felt jealous suddenly but I knew Drake was boiling. Elizabeth was just to blinded by Jack to see it. 

"I haven't seen you since freshman year at Collins High school, we all wondered where you went that year but we soon found out what happened." Jack whispers the last part.

Mary nods in understanding,"Yeah, I was a few of the unlucky girls to be chosen." The table goes silent again. I stir my tea, quite good for commoners tea.

Drake finally spoke up, "So how did you get your limp?" 

Mary spit out her tea across the table, choking on it. I slapped her back and she coughed for the last time before she caught her breath."Drake!"

"What, we have all been wondering." He shrugs and leans in to listen to Jack. Jack doesn't seem at all offended though, he seems to think its funny.

"It's okay Mary, it's not a big deal." He stirs his tea and looks at his leg as if remembering the day so clearly. "After you were taken from the village, I kinda got rebellious to the guards, always got in trouble and pulling pranks." He sighs chuckling. "I guess I went to far one day and the guards just snapped my leg after I fell trying to get away." He grimaces and rubs his hand over his leg. "Since we were so poor at the time we couldn't afford to get me a cast and I had to put it back in place myself." 

Mary has a tear rolling down her cheek. I had no idea our guards were so cruel to people, surely father didn't know of this. 

"I'm so sorry." Mary cry's out and flings her arms around Jack and cry's into his shoulder. Jack is hushing Mary trying to calm her but he should be trying to calm Drake. Drake glares at the both of them with such jealousy and hate. I knew he was going to snap.

"lets all just feel so sorry for Jack!" He yells and reaches into his pocket and throw money at his face. "Here you go, this should be able to fix your pathetic life." Everyone was shocked as Mary slaps Drake across the face. The guards jolted up ready to attack her when I raised my hand and stopped them.

"Disgusting." Mary whispers before running out of the house. Drake mutters shit under his breath and runs out of the house after her followed by a guard. Me and Jack sit in silence once again.

"Great tea by the way." I say raising my glass. He nods and does the same and we clinked our glasses together. "To the future!" I say, not knowing if there will be one for him.

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