My Master- Chapter 18

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Drakes POV-

I didnt know what to do anymore. Ive done everything I could to keep Mary and I together. I loved her with everything I had, but that wouldnt keep us together. I stared down at her sleeping in my arms. I brush a hair out of her face. 

I wish I could hold her like this for eternity, to stop all time and raise a family with her and rule the vampire kingdom together. That dream was so close but yet so far. I knew this was hard for me but to imagine what Mary is going through.

She stayed up all last night crying, teliing me she loved me and making love so many times she looked ill. I told her to stop but she wouldnt as if the world was about to end.

I tighten my arms around her snuggling her pale smooth body. Then as if a force in the universe hated me with a passion, my brother came home. I could hear him already downstairs making a racus in the kitchen and would soon come to my room. 

My brother, Simone has been on a long trip visiting his dead fiances family. She died from humans that rebeled in a village the day she was visiting the children center. He was depressed for months, drinkng and killing humans as if they were nothing. but soon he started to heal and became the fun loving brother we used to know.

I shake Mary awake. She mumbled and looks up at me. She smiles and gets dressed as I tell her too. We sit down for tea when my brother bursts in.

"BROTHER!" He yells attacking me. He kisses my cheel and I push him off. He then finally notices Mary. Something in his eyes lights up and I dont like it.

Simone's POV-

She was beautiful. The way her long brown hair rested on the chair falling over her shoulders. Her flawless skin and sparkling brown eyes.

I wanted her, now. I stride over to her and kiss her hand. I smile up at her and introduce myself.

"So sorry for intruding, im Simone, the middle son of the Rosary family." I give her my five star smile. She smiles back at me.

"Im Elizabeth Belle, Annabelle's daughter." The name was like smooth chocolate on my tongue as i spoke it.

"Elizabeth, what a beautiful name." I kiss her hand again. My brother growls behind me. I turn around and laugh. 

"Sorry brother did I inturrupt?" 

"As a matter of fact you did!" he growls through his teeth.

"Drake, dont be rude!" Elizabeth yells. She comes over to him hitting him on top of the head with the daily newspaper as if he was a dog. I burst out laughing from this.

"You act like an old couple!" They both look at me and blush. I grab Elizabeths hand again.

"You must join us for dinner!" I exclaim. she couldnt leave yet. I havent felt like this since Margaret died.(Finace) Drake then inturrupted and pulled Elizabeth back.

"Actually she was just leaving." He smiles at me, not reaching his eyes.

Elizabeth looks mad as hell. She slaps Drake again across the head. She then turns to me and smiles.

"I would love to join you for dinner Simone!" She then takes me hand and walks out the door talking about how beautiful the castle was. I look back at Drake. He's seething at me. I smirk and stick out my tongue.

"Call me simon." She smiles up at me and I melt.

This was going to be a great dinner.

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