My Master-chapter 13

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Mary's POV-

"La la la la," I sang to myself going through town. I got a couple glances and smiles from my overly happy mood. But I just couldn't help it. Ever since Drake and me have made up, he's been so... so... excilerating. 

He was like a shot of heroine in your viens filling you up with warmth and happiness.

He would carry things for me like a highschool boy that was head over heels In love. He would make sure to tell me he loves me everyday and kiss me more times than I could count. Best of all he doesn't even like to be in the same room as Saphire.

Right now our relationship could be better though since I still had trust issues with him. But we will work it out, just like any couple in love.

I saw little girls and boys sitting on the stairs of a worn down apartment building. They were selling flowers that gave their presence a bright splash of color. As they asked people if they wanted a flower for 10 cents was precious.

But all the people would ignore them. A little girl with blonde locks ran up to a man and asked him if he wanted a flower. He looked at her in discust and made a call while walking away.

Something about them reminded me of my old life. I never had to go to the streets for money but they showed desperation for a better life.

I walk up to the little girls and asked if I could have a dozen flowers. The little boys and girls started to count on their fingers how much that was. After a couple seconds they finally got it and gave me the flowers.

"Thank you goldy locks, it was an honor to be in your precence!" I bow to her. She giggled and ran away to a boy that looked around a year older than her. Maybe siblings?

I shrug and hurried off to the castle to meet Drake. After a 20 minute hike to the castle walls I was greeted by the guards. I walked through the doors and through the long hallways. I finally came to his door and turned the door knob. Right as I swing it open my hair was pulled back painfully hard.

"Ha, I knew it! You are his mistress." She yells wraping her fingers around my neck.

Saphire! She must have followed me here!

She tightens her hold every second cutting off my air. I struggled against her but her strength was too strong.

 "I will kill you, Drakes mine!" she screams throwing me to the ground ripping my dress to shreds cutting my skin in the process. "You think he would want a pathetic girl like you!"

I tried to scream, but her snarls blocked everything out. Soon I started to see black spots in my vision and I thought was this is it, is this the end.

As if my prayers were answered she is ripped off me.


hey guys thank you for reading my book and sorry this chapter is so short! Ive been stressed with highschool and everything.

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