My Master- chapter 16

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Drakes POV-

I walked down the hall buttoning my shirt quickly. I wondered down the narrow halls till I found the cellar doors.

I went down the hundreds of steps leading to many cells with bones long forgotten. I finally come to the end of the hallway to the last cell. Theres Saphire slumped against the wall with her head down.

MY foot hit the metal bars causing her to look up. She had no light in her eyes, as if something had sucked them out. That something was me.

"Why?" All she asked. I couldnt look her in the eyes.

"Im sorry, I just love her more." She nods as if she heard me but her face showed otherwise. 

"I loved you, gave you everything," I Didnt speak,"She cant give you a family, you know that, she cant give you exceptance among the kingdom!" she was now crying. 

I sigh, "none of that matters as long as I have her, she makes me happy and Ive made mistakes in the past but I need to show her Im worthy of her." I start to leave when she reaches out and grabs my pant leg. I look down at her face, no longer crying but laughing.

"What if your love found out about us sleeping together?" she smirks. I yank my pant leg out of her grasp and brush myself off.

"She already knows Saphire, so stop trying to blackmail me into staying with you." I turn to leave and just as im about to exit the dreadful place I hear her scream.

"I'M PREGNANT!" I froze, my hand inches from the door handle. I could go and pretend I never hear it, but I couldn't and she knew that.

I turn back around and storm over to her and grab her shirt through the bars.

"What the hell are you talking about." I growled.

She smirks,"Never thought of protection huh, I just found out today, I was coming to tell you when I found you playing house with the servant." I slap her across the face to the ground.

"You may be the mother to my child, but im still future heir to the thrown and you shall respect me!" She holds her cheek in pain but doesnt back down.

"So, whats your move now?"

I look at her in disgust," This isnt a game that you can win saphire so back down now!" I storm away from her,"Im putting an end to this game."

I can hear her laugh echoing down the hall.

"The game has only just begun!"

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