My Master-chapter 23

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Mary's POV-

I didnt know what he was looking at. Everyone just kept staring at my back. What is it?

I run my fingers over my back and feel the ridges. I gasp, knowing their were marking all over my back from the whipping when I first meet Drake. I turn around, facing the king in a panic.

"Its-its not what you think, I-I just, I-." I kept stuttering , trying to come up with something. 

The kings face showed confusion as I stuttered but as if a light bulb went off, his eyes grew wide. He opened his mouth to say something when the doors burst open.

Nanna and Anabelle came running in with their hair messy out of its usual buns and their faces sweaty.(Thought I forgot about themXD) They looked straight at us and march over looking furious. The guards came out of their dazes and ran after them taking them both by the arms.

Nanna looked like she was about to explode. He whips around and punches one of the guards in the face.

"Listen here son, I changed your diapers once like everyone else in this castle, so unless you want to lose that arm, don't ever lay a hand on me again." With that she turned back and pointed an accusing finger towards the king.

"And you, how dare you treat Anabelle's daughter like this, never the less one of your sons love her, think about what your wife would think in this situation," She took and breath panting still trying to catch her breath from the running. 

So Anabelle took over,"And another thing, how dare you lay a hand on my daughter, she has done nothing wrong but love your son and this is how you repay her!" Anabelle gets in the kings face."This isn't you Joseph, I remember the fun loving king Lisa fell in love with, the one who used to smile and dance around the ballroom as if no one was watching."

The king looked a bit taken aback but regained his posture. He takes me by my arms delicatly, trying to not set off them again. He turn me around and faces my back towards them.

"What is this, I'm dying to know the answer?" Nanna looks in horror and Anabelle, god bless her soul, remained a statue of anger. She takes me from the kings arms.

"When Anabelle was little she would steal from the market because as you know, we couldn't afford much after my husband died. So instead of going to jail when she was caught they whipped her instead."

When she was done talking the king looked like he was trying to think of something to say.

Soon his face crept into a smile,"Of course, that must have been my mistake, I sincerely apologize Elizabeth." I stand there not believing a word he says, he's lying through his teeth. The king takes a step closer.

"For an apology, I would like to take you all on a trip, Nanna, Anabelle and her daughter, and of course my sons."

"That's very kind of you Joseph, but Im afraid we have to decline." Anabelle spoke. The king took another step closer so he was in Anabelles face.

"I really think you should take my offer, Im dying to get to know you all better." I stood there afraid to move or speak. He looks over at me.

"What do you say Elizabeth?" I went rigid. His voice crawls down my spine. I just nod, afraid of saying no.

He smiles,"Good, we leave tomorrow at 7." He then turns and walks out without another word. I couldn't hold myself up anymore. I fall in Anabelles arms, my legs giving out.  Nanna and Anabelle caught me, both hugging me and whispering its okay.

I heard a Drakes footsteps running over to me. I look up in a haze and see him and Simon run towards me. I smile weakly at his face. He takes me in his arms and hugs me close.

"Im so sorry, Mary, I'm so so sorry!" He holds me tighter in his arms. My lip starts to quiver and I fling my arms around him bursting into tears.

"Who's Mary?" I look up and see Simon. I sniffle and look back up at Simon in confusing. What is he talking about? I thought.

 My eyes grow big and my stomach flips. Oh no. Drake sighs letting go of me and standing up.

"Simon let me explain." He takes a step towards Simon, but Simon cringes back in disgust.

"WHO IN THE BLOODY HELL IS MARY!" He screams. He looks like hes about to lose it. I cover my mouth with my hand sobbing. "Who are you!" He whispers, not meeting my face. He then starts to leave the room.

I try to stand up staggering, I clutch objects around me trying to go after him. Simons almost out the door but bumbs into someone. Its Alex who comes staggering in grinning ear to ear.(If you have also forgotten, thats the third brother who has been missing for more than 10 chapters)

Alex comes in with a bottle of vodka and screams,"GUESS WHAT TIME IT IS! ITS TIME FOR SHOTS, SHOTS, SHOTS, SHOTS!" He looks around the room.

"who the hell fucking died?" 


Authors note-

Alex is now my favorite character haha! I brought him back because my dumb past self forgot about him just like I forgot Nanna! NOOOOOOOOO.

But I love this chapter and I think Im getting better at writing as I go deeper into the story.

So next chapter is going to be awesome, I already have it all planned out but you know I need reads to post things!

I might not post for a couple weeks because Its a new semester and Im so tired from freaking running 20 LAPS around the gym, and also im teaching myself korean so yeah. MOTIVATION!

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