My Master- chapter 12

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Mary's POV-

I stood there in the guest room we were staying bawling my eyes out. He slept with her, he promised he wouldnt. I opened the window looking out and then down. We were on the 8th floor. The drop could surely kill me. I just sit there looking down and then as if I wasnt in my body anymore it started to walk through the window.

Suddenly my body is ripped back from the window. I snap back into reality and see Anabelle standing there looking ragid. She was breathing hard and her dress was covered with mud.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU!" she yells and I just look up at her and start bawling again. she comes over to me and takes me into her arms letting me tell her what happend.

After what seemed like forever I finally stopped crying.

"You should go to him." She says. I jerk back from her arms.

"why, why would I do that, he obviously doesnt care about my feelings!" I yell trying to scramble towards the door needing to leave. But it seems like Anabelle had locked it before she saved me.

"Child listen, I can see in his eyes he loves you! More than I've seen any other man loved a human!" she whispers. I keep shaking my head collapsing to me knees.

"I love him so much, and he betrayed me!" I cried. She nods and looks into my eyes.

"Child everyone makes mistakes, but its the people we love that will be there no matter what they are." She smiles and helps me to me feet.

"Now it's time for you to get some sleep, it's been a long night." She leads me over to the bed where I pass out almost immediately. But not before Anabelle kissed the top of my head and said a quick prayer for me.

Next Day-

Drakes POV-

Where is she! What if she doesn't come. What if she doesn't love me anymore!

I pace around the garden nervously. I've been here since six AM and now its five PM. She couldn't love me, she'd be stupid to come today.

I deserved this, ever last piece of my heart should be shredded and stomped on for what I've done. I take a bunch of thorny roses and rip them out of the ground. I hear rustling in the bushes. I turn my head in excitement thinking that's Mary.

It's Nanny."Boy, don't you rip out anymore flowers! your mother planted every single one of those!" she says waling over to me hitting me on the head. I drop the flowers and begin to pace again.

"Why isn't she here yet!" I yell. She had to come, she had too. Nanny just looked at me in anger and pity.

"Well maybe if you weren't screwing around with other girls and actually was faithful to her, she might already be here."

"I love her more than anything, and you know father would have suspected something if I hadn't."

"Well you tell me, if you had been in the situation Mary had been in and she did what you did, how would you feel right now?" I just stare at the ground. Mary, with another guy?

"I would rip his head off!" I growl. She then hmphs and keeps talking.

"It was obviously not real love since you would rather die later unfaithful then found out and faithful." I growl.

"I love Mary more than anything in the world nanny and if you cant see that, then you don't know me well enough! I love everything about Mary, her eyes that sparkle when she sees me and the way she laughs when I kiss he under her ear." I take a breath about to continue.

Nanny smiles," My work here is done." she then turns around and leaves. I then feel a tap on my shoulders and turn around.

I smile so big and whisper, "Mary."

She then slaps me across the face. I hold me cheek and look back at her. She has tears in her eyes and her lip is quivering.

She then jumps on top of me. We go down and she straddles me. Her arms are wrapped around my neck and kisses me everywhere on my face.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" she repeats over and over and over. I then wrap my arms around her waist and whisper.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!" We stay like this for a while, not letting anything in the world come between us. But finally Mary speaks.

"I have been running around all over trying to figure out what I should do, But I finally decided I was going to fight for you and our love." I smile at her as she starts to cry. I wipe away the tears with me thumb.

"You don't have to fight any longer, I promise. And I know it's going to take a long time to earn your trust back but I love you and it's worth every second of the beatings I know I'm going to get."

She finally smiles and laughs. We just stay there is each others arms loving eachother.


Hey guys, Thank you for this and I love all my fans please vote, comment and tell your friends about my book!

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