My Master- chapter 32

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Unknown POV-

"The time has almost come my brothers and sisters! We shall revenge our brothers, our sisters, our children and those you have lost the battles for freedom before us!" Cheers erupted throughout the room.

"The king will pay! His sons will pay! His sons wives will pay! Anyone who is a blood sucking leech will pay!" I chant as my brothers cry out war cries and children are put on shoulders.

I open my locket to see my beautiful wife and my daughter. I touch their faces with my thumb and whisper I love them before I close my locket and step off the stage.

Drakes POV

I sat in The hospital room, hearing the tick of the clock. Every time it sounded different, it was just me the clock and silence.

The doctors are saying shes fine, having to sedate her every couple hours so she doesn't wake up and tear their throats out again.

I look at my sweet angels face and only see those red eyes and blood all over her face. What Simon told me, I can't comprehend it, it can't happen.

But it did, and now Mary is paying the price.

I walk out of the room, needing air, some sense of reality. I walk out into the lobby area and take a drink of water from the fountain, taste bitter but better than leaving to get something to quench my thirst.

Suddenly over the intercom I hear code red. I look around at te nurses and they all move into action telling security guards to search the premises.

A nurse starts to run past me and I grab her arm. "what's going on?"

"A patient has escaped." she says snatching her arm back before running down the hall alerting people to stay in their rooms.

Mary. I thought as I run down the hall to her room. I go in and see the ed is empty, blood all over the cuffs that were keeping her restricted, an the window open.

I run to it and look out seeig nothing on the ground. I sigh with relief but below me many people are pointing up at me and crying out. I stare at tem confused before looking up.

10 stories up I see brown hair blowing through the wind climbing from window to window, trying to get to the top.

"SHIT!" I yell running towards the stairs. Simone is walking up the stairs with a flower basket in his hands

He looks up and sees me. "what are you doing brother?" I run past him and get to the top of the stairs a couple seconds later.

The door to the roof won't open and I kick it down. the door skids across the roof, over the edge.

I get on the roof and see Mary, back facing me, on the ledge of the roof.

"KYRAH! DONT DO THIS TO MARY, I BEG OF YOU!" I yell stepping closer.

She turns around, blood all up and down her arms. Her hair covers her face as she stares down at her feet. she looks like something out of a horror movie, yet all I want to do is hold her.

Simone comes out behind me yelling at me to tell him what's going on. he stops suddenly seeing her on the ledge.

"No." is all he says over and over as he tries to step closer to her.

"KYRAH, my sister please, forgive me and do not do this." he says.

Finally she starts to cry, and slowly looks up at us. The wind brushes her hair out of her face an I fall to me knees.

Her eyes are brown.

"I killed them, those nurses!" She cries out at us. "Im not supposed to be here, I was supposed to die on the alter all those years ago, but I cheated death and it will keep taking more and more until it finally gets me." she starts to turn around and puts her toes over the edge.

"I can't do this anymore Drake, you have child coming who will one day rule just like you are going to. I can't bring you the happiness you and your kingdom want!"

My voice shakes as I take a step closer, "Mary, my love, please don't do this. I need you." she shakes her head violently.

" Remember the day you came to my room? When you told me I wasn't a monster, even got mad at me for even speaking like that. You were the first person to ever tell me I wasn't a leech, who belonged in hell."

I hear her gasp and start crying again. I feel tears go down my face also. "Mary, I know thing make no sense right now, but all I need is you. So please come here."

She stands there for a while and turns around to look at me.
"Promise me everything will be okay!" She whispers. I nod quickly and start to feel hope. She starts to step towards me when her eyes grow wide an she collapses screaming. She's scratching at her eyes and tears of blood start pouring down her face. She looks up at me trying to reach out to me when I see one of her eyes is bright red and the other is brown.

I step back, "Brother what does this mean?!"

"Kyrah is fighting her for control of the body." Simone says trying to control his emotions. I've had enough of this!

I march over to Mary/Kyrah, and grip her arm as hard as I can without breaking it. Kyrah starts screeching and thrashing to get away from me.

"You listen to me! Mary is mine and I will not let you have her! Now release her or else!" Kyrah looks at me and smirks.

"What are you going to do, hurt me, drain me? You wouldn't do anything to the women you love, or maybe you would you disgusting leech." She sneers. Before I know it, Simone is holding me back while Kyrah is clutching her face crying.

"I'll make you pay! I'll make sure Mary feels every pain I did for the last 10 years!" She screams before tears of blood start to roll down her cheeks and her eyes turn brown again.

Mary falls and clutches her cheek crying. I yank out of Simones hold and run to Mary scooping her up.

I kiss her face all over whispering I love you over and over. Mary cries and wraps her arms around me terrified.

I pick her up in my arms and she wraps her legs around me, as I walk down the stairs. I enter the lobby and I'm rushed by nurses trying to pry her off of me.

"Dont. you. touch. her." I growl at them. they back up in fear and I walk past them making my way to the doors.

I walk out the revolving doors and walk to our carriage. I set Mary inside and hear my father yelling after me.
I turn around and see his face bright red with anger and Simone following him.

"You will not bring that abomination of a half-long anywhere near my kingdom!" He growls. he tries to reach past me and grab Mary but I swing and hit him square in the jaw. My father falls on the dirt passed out. Simone states in shock.

"Are you coming or are you going to stay here and face father when he wakes up?" I climb into the carriage and Simone follows quickly.

I hold Mary close and yell for the horseman to go. I don't know what the future holds for me and Mary but I'm never letting her go again.

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