My Master- chapter 24

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Mary's POV-

"Wake up girl, everyone is already dressed and ready!" I groan rolling away from the shaking hands on my shoulders.

"Mom, five more minutes pleaseeeeeee!" The covers are ripped off me leaving me in a freezing bed.

I sit up looking around confused. I notice a couple gowns out for my choosing to wear today. I then remember what today was. The day we all go on a "trip" to some unknown god forsaken place. Im probably going to get murdered and stranded there.

I put on some makeup and put on a soft emerald dress with beads along the heart neck line. I head down to the front where I see plenty of bags being packed. How long are we planning to have this trip? I head out onto the front and see everyone was already here.

I walked up to Drake but was cut off by Alex. He puts his arm against the black Corvette blocking my way.

"So how does it feel to know you are headed out to your own funeral?" I go white. He must have noticed because he bursts out laughing. "I'm kidding! Damn take a joke." He leaves laughing still. I watch him go back into the house and turn my attention back to Drake.

But he was no longer there. I look around wondering where he went. I shrug it off thinking he must have gotten enough gems to cover our stay there. Wait, gems...Saphire! I forgot about her! No one has fed her today or wont for the next couple days. 

I run inside and get a couple pieces of bread and six bottles of blood. I run down to the basement before anyone will notice that I'm gone. I open the door and start down the long corridor. Having been a servant here helps me know where I'm going.

I reach the last cell and see her lifeless body on the floor. I panic, running to the bars trying to reach her.

"Saphire! Are you okay, please answer me." She slowly moves her body to the side staring at me.

"Oh look baby, its the tramp." I sigh in relief and put the bottles into the cell and set the bread on an old plate.

"Ill get you some new plates when I get back." She just stares at me. I nod at her and start to walk away.

"It must be nice huh," I turn around and look at her. She now has her face against the bars."To be pampered, and treated as if you re equal." I walk back to her. I try to touch her hand but she pulls it back.

"Listen, I'm so sorry for what I've done to you, I cant imagine what you are going through alone." She looks at me with wide, confused eyes. Soon a smile creeps on her face, just like the king's when he realized who I was.

"He hasn't told you?" She starts to laugh hysterically."I'm not alone sweetie, hahahha." I look at her confused. Her laughter finally calms down and she presses a hand to her stomach. "Not even close." 

My eyes go wide, staring at her stomach. No, no this cant be happening. Drake would have told me. He wouldn't be this cold to someone WHO's pregnant. I stand up and run to the dungeons doors. I had to get out of here. I open the door to run into someone. I look up and see Drake standing there with food in his hands.

My eyes start to tear up. He looks down at my face with shock.

"Mary, I-" I push past him and leave him standing there alone. I don't stop running till I'm out the doors and in the car. I'm sharing a car with Alex, Simon, Anabelle and soon Drake. I sigh taking a window seat. This was going to be a long drive.

1 day later-

I stretch my back looking out the window. I just woke up from yet another nap. I have been stuck in this car for a whole day waiting to see a sign of civilization. I have been only talking to Anabelle and half the time Alex because he's to busy reading porn magazines to talk. I look over at Simon, who hasn't said a word to me this whole trip.

I sigh and look out the window, when my eye catches a sign I couldn't read. Where did it say we were? I try to look harder but all I see is Al- something. I then am surrounded by open plains and trees. I look around widely trying to find out where we were. 

The car suddenly jerks to a stop. My forehead bumps the seat in front of me and so does Drakes whos on the opposite window seat. 

"sorry." Muttered Simon who was already getting out of the car. I open the door of the car and the stench of dry dirt and pine trees fill my nose. Where have I smelt this before? 

I look for a sign of life but there seems to be nothing but a huge stone in the center of it. I slowly walk over to it. It seems so familiar, but its just a normal slab of rock. I run my fingers along the rough jagged stone. I hear Alex in the background.

"Why would dad take us to a stupid fucking offering alter?" I furrow my eyebrows. Offering Alter? I look around me again and for some reason my legs start to move on their own. I went over to a tree that is on the edge of the clearing. I brush my fingers over the scratches in the side. 

I look back at Drake, where he was keeping his head low. I walk up to him fast and grab his face with my hands. He looks up at me and the sadness in his eyes confirms where we were right now. I start to shake my head. No this cant be happening.

"This is my alter isn't it?" I say to him, trying to keep the shakiness in my voice controlled. He nods and looks away. I drop my hands at my sides and look around. Everyone was looking at me. Simons the first one to come forward.

"You- what do you mean your altar?" He says, but he already knows the answer. The alter that I almost died on three years ago. The alter where I had grabbed the tree and made scratch marks into, to keep from going on it. The altar where the people I had known my whole life left me.

I start to back away from all them. The village wasn't to far from here, maybe 400 feet. The King speaks up smiling.

"Yes Elizabeth, what do you mean, your altar? I thought it would be fun to see what one looked like since I haven't seen one in over fourteen years since my wife died."

I turn away from them and run. I had to get to the village, I had to see my parents before I left. I heard many voices calling out to me behind me but I kept running. I knew this was all part of the kings plan but I didnt care, I had to hurry before it was too late.

I saw the black big iron gates in front of me with two guards on either side. I come in front of them panting.

"HALT, WHO GOES THERE!" He yells. I look him in the eyes and growl.

"Mary, Mary Moore." By the looks on their faces, they had no idea who I was. 

"Let me through." I growl trying to shove by them. They wouldn't let through. I start to freak out, clawing at their faces and screaming, trying to get into my village. But they wouldn't let met pass.

A voice comes from behind me."Let her through this instant." I look back to see Simon. He nods at me and smiles sadly. I knew this wasnt the end of hearing about it.

The guards open the doors and bowed to the prince. I ran through and past all the shops. The bakery that still had a broken window from when Jack Jempson hit a homerun in the town square. The sewing shop that had some speckles of blood on the window because of all the pins going in their fingers when they mess up. Nothing has changed here I thought.

But the people look at me as if I was a shiny new toy. People were whispering all around me but I could care less. I would give them a piece of my mind later.

I round the corner smiling. I'm finally going to see them, my parents! After almost three years of not hearing my mother sing or my father laugh. I look at the house in front of me and all smile is smacked off my face. The windows were all boarded up and the grass was brown with weeds everywhere. It looked like it had been abandoned for years.

This couldnt be happening, they didnt have any debt, no rivals, no bank loans. They should still be here.

I drop to me knees holding onto the old white picket fence that is now brown and covered in ivory. Tears are streaming down my face. Where are you guys?

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