Chapter Fourteen

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*I'm sorry...*

I am slowly fading away... and you aren't even noticing.

I stared out the window as I waited for Kais to finish whatever meeting he was having with Nathaniel and Liber. Right after he found Ble, Nathaniel came looking for him demanding another meeting, but wouldn't let me know what it was all about. I found that odd, given that I am Kais' mate, therefore his Luna, but whatever...

'It's nothing bad,' Kais spoke through our link. 'I can sense your worry. You weren't invited because it has to do with your Luna Ceremony,'

I rolled my eyes. 'A Luna Ceremony, really? With everything going on, I think that is the last thing you should be thinking about, plus I was already presented'

'I know that you think that way,' Kais chuckled. 'But we need to keep the Pack calm, and this is the only way I can think of, also, remember that we couldn't enjoy it, so we are going to do so now, and after that, you will be in every, and I mean every meeting we have,'

I sighed and blocked the mind link, I understood what he meant, it just didn't mean I had to accept it. I walked out of my room to find Andrew, he was working on restoring Ble completely and installing her at the Pack House, just like back home. With her back in my life, I know that everything will be easier.

I knew that people inside the Pack were still unsure of how to approach me and all, given that even when I was presented to the Pack, I was proclaimed Luna, but it was cut short and I couldn't mingle with everyone, and add it all that I am also the reason of the attacks that have happened recently...

"Hi!" A little voice caught me off, guard. "I'm Dean," He smiled at me, showing me his missing teeth.

"Hello Dean," I replied. "Where is your mom or dad?" He shrugged and pointed behind him. "Does she know that you are here?" Dean shook his head.

"She says that I shouldn't talk with you," I frowned confused. What the hell? "She says that you only bring pain,"

I gulped. "Well Dean," I started. "I think you should obey your mother, and not wander without her knowing,"

"But," His lip trembled. "I don't think that you bring pain, I believe that you bring freedom,"

"What?" I whispered. "What do you mean Dean?"

"My father," He shrugged. "You made sure that he could never hurt me again,"

"DEAN!" A voice shouted causing him to turn around scared.

"Please," Dean whispered. "Just make sure that he never comes back," He added before he ran towards his mother.

What the heck just happened?

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I couldn't help but frown as I rigged deeper and deeper into what little Dean told me. I was more than aware of house situations that weren't right, but the way that he told me, and the way the mother acted when she didn't see him, told me that it was more serious than it should be.

So of course, I had to do what I do best, hack, I also save animals alright, but at this moment I had to hack. As far as I knew, the only wolves I had killed, were rouges, and if what Dean said was true, and his father was being bad, he had to be a rouge, which made absolutely no sense because Kais wouldn't have a rouge as a pack member and not know... Right?

"Well hello Astra," Andrew spat as he entered the room in which I have been sleeping. "I thought you were going to help me with Ble, but obviously you have more important things,"

"I was," I sighed. "But something rather interesting happened to me," Andrew raised his eyebrow, plopping himself on the bed. "A little boy, Dean, came up to me as I am walking to find you, and he said that his mother had told him that I only brought pain, but he said that it was the opposite, that I brought freedom,"


"Exactly!" I argued. "And when I asked him what he meant, he said that I made sure that his father could never hurt him again," Andrew frowned as he sat up. "The only wolves I killed were rouges,"

"So that means that his father was a rouge, and somehow lived here without Kais knowing?" I nodded. "How many other wolves are rouges that we don't know? That shouldn't happen, I mean we did the border, they can't get in,"

"Unless they were in when we took the samples," I counterattacked. "And that is how they knew how to breach the patrols,"

"Because they had someone on the inside," I gave a simple nod. "What have you figured out so far? Ble is already on, but will only answer to you, so call out for her please and let me control her as well,"

I chuckled. "Ble," I called out. "Pos eísai agapité mou fíle? Vges éxo, eímai egó Astra,"

"Chaíromai pou se akoúo xaná," Ble replied and I smiled. "How can I be of service?"

"First, remember that you can answer to Andrew," I chuckled. "Down to business right now, how fast can you get into the network here?"

"I already knew I could answer to Andrew, I just opted not to," Ble replied and I burst out laughing whilst Andrew sulked like a baby. "I am already on the system, do you wish for me to continue the research you were doing?"

"Please," I replied. "Whatever else you find, please let me know, I need to have a word with Kais,"

"His meeting is over," Ble replied and I chuckled. "I'll be quiet," She added and started working.

"Well," I turned to Andrew. "We have some bad news to deliver,"

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Kais stared at me and Andrew with a hurt expression. I had told him the story about Dean and how that made me hack into his system and try to decipher what the hell he meant, and that I figured out that his father had been a rouge and how I thought that was the reason there were able to breach patrols and such...

"How?" Kais questioned. "How could I have never figured it out before?"

I kissed his cheek. "Because there was someone who didn't want you to find out,"

"You mean that someone else is working with Loki?" Kais questioned and I nodded. "But who?"

"If I may," Ble spoke startling Kais. "I know the answer to that question," Kais turned to face me and I gave him a sheepish smile. "Luca Fer,"

We all frowned, the border patrol chief... what the heck? 

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