chapter two: mr attitude boy

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Vivians pov:

"Mom, who is she?" I hear a deep voice ask. More Like a grumpy one but I got to admit his voice was attractive.

"Shh! You will wake her up!" I hear Carrie say.

"Why is she here?" The deep voice asked again. Obviously for a reason, let her talk!

"Because I ran over her this morning returning from work and I don't know where her parents are so I took her in. Now be nice to her while she's here Okay?" She explained.

Damn she really did hit me.

"Whatever" I heard the deep voice say and I heard someone go upstairs.

Damn, someone already doesn't like me, sheesh, not a good sign.

"Collin!" I heard Carrie whisper yell. Oh so that's his name. Has a hot voice and a hot name. Cool. I wonder if he's attractive....

Oh God Vivian get your head out of the clouds!

"Carrie?" I ask while opening my eyes and starting to rub them.

"Oh love I'm sorry If we woke you" she gives me an apologetic smile.

"No, it's okay. Who was that?" I ask her. She smiles lightly at the question.

"That was my son collin. He was surprised to see a teen girl laying on our couch and freaked out."

"Oh I'm sorry." I apologize.

"No, its okay. It's just this has never happened before that's why it turned out the way it did." She replied.

"Oh" I say while smiling lightly at her. Well now what? Is she going to tell me to leave now that I'm well rested? God I hope I dont have to go I like it here. It gives me good vibes. But then again I barely know her

I sit up and fold the blanket I used and put the pillow on top of it and put it back in the closet.

"Oh, love, you didn't have to do that" Carrie said coming over to me and hugging me. I felt so comfortable and safe.

"I know Carrie, but I wanted to. Besides, it's the least I could do with all you have done for me" I responded back. She really is an amazing lady.

I never thought I'd say this but...

I'm thankful I got hit by a car.

"You are such an amazing child Vivian" she says to me while smiling at me.

"Well i-" I try to say but I'm interrupted.

"And suddenly I'm replaced" I hear the deep voice say or.. Collin say. I look up and see him at the last step of the stairs staring at both of us with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Collin! This is Vivian." Carrie said nervously laughing.

"So I've been hearing" he replied back.

Damn, attitude much? Hell yeah, new nickname! Attitude boy.

"And from what I've heard, you are the reason I woke up this morning." I respond back but then my eyes widen as I realize what I just said.

"Got a mouth on you huh? Well keep it shut you are messing with the wrong guy" he replied and glared at me.

"Actually, it's the other way around kid. YOU are messing with the wrong woman. I don't take shit from anyone-."

I look at Carrie giving her an apologetic look for cursing.

"So I definitely won't take shit from you" Again, I looked at her with the apologetic look.

"Who do you think you are?" Collin steps closer to me.

"A girl who won't take you're crap, that's who I am." I respond back. I'm feeling proud of myself.

"This is my house I will throw you out of it" He says back while stepping a bit closer. That was until he moved back after getting hit repeatedly with a newspaper.

"You will do no such thing Collin Mathew andrews." Carrie said while crossing her arms. I held back my laugh at the pout he gave her for one quick second before looking back at me again and glaring at me.

"This is not over" he said to me.

"Please, it ended before it even started." I replied back with a smirk.

The glare he was giving me wasn't hard to miss.

"Keep you're mouth shut princess" he said back his eyes burning with fury. And.. princess? The kid gave me a nickname and doesn't even know me.

"Or what? Asshole." I respond back my eyes now darkening as we stare down each other.

He tries to come closer to me, but carrie stops him.

"Collin leave the poor girl alone she's been through alot today." Carrie said to him.

"Yeah, collin, leave me alone." I said back with a smirk and he just kept glaring at me.

"Okay, no, we are not doing this." Carrie said pulling us away from each other.

"You are so lucky my mom saved you princess. Or else this-." He says as he points between us.

"-wouldn't have ended the way it just did." He smirks at me and i glare in return but then smirk back.

"You're right... I would have beat your ass and you would have ended up on the floor." I respond back. his mouth opens wide in shock, and surprise, but he stares me down.

"Vivian, please don't act like that, He's very easily angry." Carrie told me pulling me back more giving me and Collin even more space.

He growls lowly and walks out the door giving me one last glance.

"Bye princess." He says in an irritated tone.

"Bye asshole." I respond back happy he's leaving. But also sad about it since I won't get to stare at him anymore. God he's so beautiful

Wait... what? No! Vivian no! This is the worst mistake of your life falling for a pretty boy. who is a complete ass, by the way.

This could be the most dumbest mistake you have ever made! And you got hit by a car after running away, so..

I didn't get to finish my thoughts, cause he walked out the door and slammed it. I flinch a little, cause I'm used to that. But I didn't expect it.

"Well.... that was my son colin." Carrie says as she nervously laughs.

"I'm really sorry about how he acted.. he's like that." Carrie apologizes

"No, it's okay, I promise." I say as i smile at her.

"Well what do you want to do today?" She asks. I shrug, not really knowing what to say.

"Anything, really. I don't mind." I tell her as I sit back on the couch.

"Want to just relax today?" She asked with her eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, I think I really need a rest day." I tell her with a small smile.

"Okay. Then you are aloud to do so. If you need anything I will be in my room." She tells me and i nod.

"Oh. And Vivian?" She looks at me.

"Yes carrie?" I look at her back and she gives me a smile.

"I'll take you back to your parents soon ok? I wont let you be without them" She then heads upstairs to her room.

No.. no, please, dont take me back to that dreadful place. This is a nightmare! I can't go back! They will kill me!

I'm in some deep shit.

End of chapter two.

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