chapter thirteen: back to my old school

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Vivian pov:

I wipe my tears as I enter the old school of mine.

I hide my phone in my pocket.

I'll call Carrie later in the bathroom.

As I enter class, I'm getting looks from everyone.

The teacher, the kids.


I look down as I sit in a seat in the back.

Tears fall down my face as the teacher starts the lesson.

During lunch, I head to the bathroom and call Carrie.


"Hello?" Carrie says in a sad voice.

She's been crying.

"Carrie?" I say quietly.

"Vivian?! Oh my god! Yes, collin, it's Vivian i- hey!"

"Viv, you okay?" I hear collin say.

"I.... I'm okay, i guess, I'm really going through alot. I miss you guys so much" I say as I start to cry.

"I know, I know, don't worry. We will get you back I promise"

"Collin what does that mean?" I ask him but Carrie answers.

"It doesn't matter honey. Just hold on, okay? Don't give up"

I nod as I reply. "I Won't"

"Don't give up princess" Collin says.

I smile a little at him still calling me that.

"I won't give up. But I'm so scared guys. The people here are horrible I just wanna come home" I say as I sob.

I hear a door open and freak out.

"I have to go Carrie. Bye!"

"Wait! Vivian-"

I ended the call and put my phone in my pocket. I walked out of the stall and seen one of the mean girls glaring at me.

I wash my hands quickly and get out of there.

After school, I rush out of the building hurriedly.

I got bullied all day today. By girls, guys, teachers, the principal obviously.

I hate my life and I hate myself.

But Carrie and collin told me to hold on. So, that's what I'm going to do.

I walk inside my house quietly and head up to my room.

Nothin has been touched, good.

I lay on my bed and sigh.

What are they planning?

How do they expect to get me back?

It's confusing me.

With how my parents are, they will put a restraining order against Carrie and I'll never see her again.

It breaks my heart that my parents are like that.

But, that's life, I guess.

I take the picture frame of all three of us out of my bag and look at it.

Well, I have a bunch of memories to treasure. I'm lucky for that.

I just wish my parents weren't like this, I wish I had such good parents.

But, no.


I cry myself to sleep as I think about my home.

My real home.

I'm just happy that Carrie and collin haven't forgotten about me.

The next day, all eyes glared at me. The boys laughed and pointed at me to their friends the girls gave me dirty looks, and the teachers ignored my existence.

Once I sit down in my seat in the English classroom, I hear many whispers coming from my classmates and the kids next to me.

I ignore them, as I pay attention to the teacher.

'Focus' I think to myself as I take notes.

I go to my locker after class to get my books for 2nd period. Once i was done grabbing my books, my locker slammed shut making me turn my head to look at who did it.

I seen one of the mean girls who has avoided me... til today, of course.

"You may not know me but I know you. I'm Claire's cousin"

I lift my eyebrow confused. Who's clai- ohh the hoe.

I smirk as I look at her. "Oh, really? I couldn't tell" I say sarcastically.

"You guys dress the exact same way. I'm surprised I didn't tell right away"

"Stay away from collin, or we will come after you"

"What can she do?" I ask as I cross my arms. Mean girls are tiring me out already.

"I wouldn't wait to find out" she replies as she flips her hair, and walks away.

"That was... something" I say as I head to second period.

It was my last class of the day now, Once I sat down, I felt someone pull on my hair. I look behind me to see a guy with blonde hair smirking at me, and a girl with black hair glaring at me while mouthing 'fuck you'

I sigh as I turn my head to the teacher and pay attention.

I never get left alone, do I?

What kind of question is that? Of course not!

After class, I'm pushed up against the wall next to the classroom door. I roll my eyes as I see it's the blonde boy from earlier and the black headed girl is right behind him.

"You made a big mistake coming back here"

"If you haven't noticed, It wasn't exactly my choice" I hissed as I gritted my teeth while glaring at him.

"Your going to pay for coming back"

"Go ahead, beat me, hit me, harass me, I'm used to it. You won't get a different reaction from me" I say as I push myself off the wall and start to hit his chest with my finger.

"But I warn you, I am in contact with the baddest boys you'll ever meet. I suggest you stay out of my way or I will have them hunt you down"

I cannot believe I just called the boys the "baddest" boys. They're sweethearts, and harmless. What can they do?

"Why do I feel like you are bluffing?"

"You wanna test that theory?"

"Would you like me too?"

"Just stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours" I say as I walk away.

Once I walk out of the school. I sigh with relief as i start to walk home.

Once I open the door, I hurry upstairs to my room not bothering to look for either of my parents.

When I open my door, I see my mom angrily looking at me as she points at the floor. I follow her finger as I see the picture of me, Carrie, and collin on Christmas ripped into multiple pieces.

"No!!" I say as my eyes fill with tears as I bend down to grab the small remains of the picture.

"You are not aloud any of those happy memories in this house. You will never see those people again as long as me and your father are alive and walking"

"How could you be so cruel?" I ask her as I hold the ripped pieces close to my heart.

She ignores my question as she leaves the room.

I grab the rest of the small pieces of the picture and tape them all together. I hide the picture away in a box as I lay on my bed and cry myself to sleep.

End of chapter.

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