chapter nineteen: date and movie night

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Vivian's pov:

After school, I walk to Collin's car and sit down as i nervously bite on my jacket string. Max was a bit upset right now, and I couldn't blame him. He really liked me and I just showed up with my significant other and kissed him right in front of him.

A bitch move, I know.

But, to make me feel better, my amazing boyfriend is taking me somewhere. Even though he knows damn well I'll get in trouble, I'm letting him do it in case this is the last time I'll ever see him.

"You okay baby?" Collin asked as he held my hand and rubbed circles on my palm.

"Yeah, I'm just upset about max, when we kissed, that deeply hurt him. That was a bitch move, i wish i didn't do it"

"Baby, I know you feel guilty, but he has to understand that we are in love, and that you only want to be with me. I know kissing me hurt him, but it had to happen"

"Yeah, I know" I reply as I sigh in defeat.

"Cheer up baby, where I'm taking you, I just know you'll be as happy as a ray of sunshine"

"Okay" I say with a small smile.

Collin started the car and drove away.

About twenty minutes later, collin parked and got out. I sat there for a second as he ran over to my side, and opened my door.

He picked me up bridal style and I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly.

I loved when he held me, I loved it bad. I never wanted him to let go. I, never wanted to let go.

"What are we doing here?" I ask as I giggle. We are around the woods with trees that are no longer green, but dark and looked dead.

"Follow me!" Collin replied, as he put me down, Held my hand, and walked us into the woods.

"Uh, are you planning on killing me?" I asked Collin with a laugh.

"No, why are you asking that?"

"This is the kind of place serial killers go to kill their victims"

"Baby I'm not going to kill you, you will be fine" he responds, he stops walking, and stands in front of me.

I look at him questioningly.

He gets down on one knee, and looks into my eyes.

Oh he better not be proposing.

He takes out a ring box from his jacket, and smiles at me.

"W-what are you doing?" I get out with a stutter, I was really nervous.

"Relax, angel, I'm not proposing. This is a promise ring, I promise to be here for the rest of our lives together, I promise to always take care of you, and support you. I promise To love you, and care for you, throughout our whole lives together" he explains as he looks at me with so much love in his eyes.

I cover my mouth as I start to cry, he makes me so happy.

"I love you" he finishes as he stands up and puts the ring on my index finger.

"I love you" I respond as I hug him tightly. I just knew that, him and I, we were forever. There was no doubt in my mind about that.

We walked back to the car, and he opened his trunk and got out a basket of food.

"Where did you get that?" I asked confused.

"I packed it this morning, before I left"

"Oh" I respond as I giggle. He puts the basket on the hood of his car and climbs on, he holds out his arms, and I walk closer to him making him wrap his arms around me and pull me next to him on the car.

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