chapter seven: the skating park.

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We arrive to the skating park and pay for our skates. Sadly, Colin paid for mine before I got to, so now I'm pouty.

"Really, angel? Come on, it's not that big of a deal" Colin says to me as we're putting on our skates

"It is to me! I can pay for my shit, I don't need a man to" I say as I finish tying up my skates.

"Okay, fine, I'm sorry" he looks at me and I look back. We make eye contact and again, his eyes draw me in.

"I'm sorry, princess" he says with a low voice. My heart beats rapidly and my hands start sweating, my cheeks turn bright red as I nod.

"Its okay... matty" he looks at me shocked.

"No, you are not going to start calling me that" Colin replies panicked. "How do you even know my middle name?"

"You will not touch her Colin Mathew andrews" I smirk at the memory.

He grumbles annoyed.

"Whatever, fine, call me it. But not around the boys, okay? They'll think I've gone soft" he responds.

"Dont worry pretty boy I won't let you're friends know you've gone soft for me to ruin you're ego" he blushes at me calling him pretty boy.

"Whatever, angel" he says looking back into my eyes. I didn't even realize he looked away.

"Whatever, Matty" his cheeks turn pink, and he smiles. Jesus, his eyes, his smile, his laugh, his laugh, I've only heard once. But everything about him is beautiful.

"Yo, colin! Hurry up will ya?" Asher yells out. We look at the boys to see them already on the rink.

"Lets go Colin" I say as i get up, I immediately slip. I'm about to fall, when I feel someone catch me. It was Colin.

"Not so fast, princess. it's dangerous for beginners" he whispers into my ear still holding me. My breath hitches, and I look at him, His eyes gazing into mine as we don't look away from one another.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" We hear the boys chant. We immediately look away from each other. Both of our cheeks turning pink.

"Noooooo" we hear them yell out in disappointment.

"Man... I really thought they were going to kiss" I hear Jake say. I giggle a little.

"Let's go angel" Colin says as he grabs my hand and pulls me onto the rink. I hold on as tight as I can in fear of hurting myself by falling.

But... what I wasn't thinking about was the sparks I felt when he grabbed my hand. The electricity that I felt through my body. It's like I ignored the feeling.

After about an hour I was skating with all the boys. Still holding Colin's hand, just not tightly. My butt was sore from all the times I had fallen because of my clumsy ass.

I felt guilty though, I don't want Colin to feel like he has to take care of Me. I want him to enjoy being here just as much as I do. I let go of Colin's hand and stop skating. He looks at me confused.

"Princess? You okay?" He asks. I sigh as I look at him.

"Colin I'm not holding you back from having fun am I? If I am, I'm sorry... I don't want you to feel like you have to take care of me. You really don't" he looks at me with a sad look.

"What? No, of course not viv" I look down saddened. He puts his finger under my chin and makes me look at him.

"No, viv, listen to me" I shake my head no. His eyes look into mine.

"No, angel. I'm doing this because I want to" he says softly. I shake my head.

"Vivian" I hear his voice say but I look away from his eyes. Those eyes hypnotize me. I am not doing what he wants me to do.

"Angel, look at me" he insists. I shake my head no again and I hear him groan.

"You're stubborn you know that?" I smile and nod happily.

"Come on angel let's keep skating" he says as he holds out his hand. I take it and we start to skate around having a great time.

I've only been here a few days and I've already had the most fun that I've ever had in my whole existence.

After skating, we all drove home after saying our goodbyes. I'm really glad we all had a day off from school today. It was so much fun.

Me and Colin got home and walked inside. Carrie was sitting on the couch knitting. She hears the door shut and looks at us and smiles.

"Oh, hello loves! How was the skating ring? Fun, I hope!" She had such happiness in her voice. I nodded to her.

"Yes, it was amazing Carrie it was the most fun I've ever had. And I'm so thankful I got to go" I smile at her and she smiles brightly back. I turn to Colin.

"Thank you so much for today matty" I say as I run upstairs. I get out my notebook.

Day 2: went to the skating park on a school day! Too much snow :)

"What book is that? I've seen it before, you don't use it for school" I heard Colin ask me. I look up at him and smile.

"My notebook that I write about my days in. Like, what happened." I explain. He takes a seat next to me.

"Did you write about today?" He asked me. I nodded in response.

"Vivian?" He asked. I looked up at him.

"Yeah?" I asked. He looked down embarrassed before whispering something.

"Huh?" I asked. How can he expect me to hear what he said if he said it to where I can't hear?

"Can I look at your other drawings?" He asked me. I looked at him shocked.

"You want to see my drawings colin?" I asked. He nodded in reply.

I smiled and grabbed my backpack and grabbed out my sketch notebook. I handed it to him.

"This one is full. I have one other which is what you saw me drawing in yesterday" I explained. He nodded and opened the book up. Page by page he would study them closely. I sat there nervously playing with my fingers.

"These are amazing viv" he said quietly. I blushed and smiled.

"Thank you. I really try to be as creative as I can. I have a big imagination" I told him.

"Do you want to be an artist?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, I do, more than anything. But I don't see it happening." I looked down. He scoffed.

"I can. These are amazing Vivian. if people don't want to see, and love your work, then they have no true taste in amazing drawings." He explained.

I smiled thankfully.

"Thank you colin" and that was that.

We sat there for hours looking over my work and talking. I seriously have never been happier. I'm glad I ran away, Because if I didn't, I never would have met the amazing people that I did.

End of chapter

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