chapter sixteen: getting closer to max and carla

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Vivian's pov:

It's another day at school, I'm in a happier mood today, I dreamt of collin again. I dreamt of Christmas day and how much fun we had.

I miss us teasing each other, I miss him being a jerk, I miss our kisses, and our hugs. But most of all, I miss him.

I never thought I'd fall in love with collin, especially when we met, he was an asshole, I was a girl who defended myself, but who was also acting like an asshole.

But, all girls act like assholes every once in awhile.

I'm happy that we met though, and instantly started fighting. I've always supported enemies to lovers, that is, of course, if the enemy isn't a toxic asshole.

As I seen my locker up ahead, I caught sight of max and Carla waiting by it.

When they noticed me, they waved at me, making me smile softly at them.

"Hi guys" I say to them, as I shift awkwardly on my feet.

"Hey" They both respond.

"So, why are you guys at my locker?" I question, as I look back and forth at the two of them.

"We were waiting for you" Carla responded.

"That's obvious, but why?"

"We wanted to walk to first period together with you" Max replied.

"I don't know about that.." I say hesitantly.

"Oh, come on, please?"

"Max, you know I'm not good with hanging around people, and walking to class with you guys, i just don't want people talking more shit about me than they already do"

"I promise they won't, I won't let them" max grumbled.

"Alright, fine, then sure. We can walk together"

"Yes!" They both replied with a smile on their face, as they high fived each other.

I just hope I don't regret this...

As we walked to first period, I could see alot of kids looking at us, specifically me, and whispering to each other as if I was Britney spears.

I knew this was going to be a bad idea.

"Ignore it" max said to me as he put his arm around me. I placed my hand on his arm, and gently took it off of me.

I'm staying loyal to collin.

Even just a hand shake with this boy would make me feel like I'm betraying collin.

"Sorry" max says to me as he rubs the back of his neck nervously as his cheeks turn pink.

"It's fine, just don't let it happen again"

Once we walked into class, we sat down as we waiting for the teacher and got to talking.

Me and Carla got close, I didn't know I felt about her before, but I do now. She's a cool girl, she's not what I thought.

We actually have alot of the same interests, if we kept working at our friendship, we'd be great friends for life.

As for me and max, every time I'd talk to him he'd always make a flirty remark, I can't blame him, I do remember what Carla told me.

I honestly feel bad for him, but that doesn't mean he can flirt with me.

He may not know that I have a boyfriend, but I've said I'm not interested in him who knows how many times.

Once it was time for lunch, I grabbed my packed salad from out of my bag that I bought from the gas station and started to eat.

Gas station food, in my opinion, is the best.

If only collin was here with me, we'd eat together. I know he'd love to pick on me about how much I love gas station food.

I wouldn't care though, I'd do anything to hear his angelic voice again.

Once Carla and max got their good, they came to sit....

right next to me...

Oh boy, I guess I'm a lunch buddy now.

I don't like it, make them leave. Even if they are sweet, the attention it will draw, will not flatter me.

"Hi guys..." I greet them as my eyes don't leave my very delicious looking salad.

Not to mention, devious tasting.

"Hey Vivian! No drawing today?"

"Not at the moment, no."

"That's fine! When you do plan on drawing, what do you want to draw?"

"I have no idea, butterflies, rainbows, zombies eating me alive??" I reply with a bit of a tone.

I do regret it a little bit, but, like I told them, I'm not good with people.

"What about drawing that hot ass pretty boy you drew before?" Carla suggests.

I clench my fist as I breathe slowly while I look up at her. "Not today" I respond in the nicest tone I can muster.

Her flirting with my boyfriend is really starting to get on my nerves, he's mine, no one else's.

"Oh, okay! Why not draw a picture of a park then?"

That's not actually a bad idea, me and collin went to the park one time, one of the best days of my life.

Maybe, just maybe, I can recreate that day by drawing it.

"I might" I tell her. Max's gaze goes from my face, to Carla's.

The tension radiating off of me wasn't hard to miss, I'm not good at hiding my emotions. I can control my temper, but that doesn't mean I'll control the look on my face as I'm giving someone a death glare.

"Is everything okay?" Max asks.

"It's awesome, never better" I reply sarcastically.

"What's wrong?" He asks confused.

"Nothing, just that time of the month is all"

"Oh" he replies in realization.  His cheeks turn pink as he tries to focus on something else, other than thinking about me just admitting I was on my period.

For some reason, boy's get weirded out by that shit.

I just sigh and go back to eating my salad.


After school, max and Carla offer me a ride home since it's about to rain, I don't decline, because, honestly, I don't want to walk into my house drenched in wet clothes.

My parents would scream at me for who knows how long and tell me about how irresponsible I'm being.

Not in the mood for that.

Once they dropped me off, I smiled softly at both of them as I thanked them for the ride. "Thanks" I say getting out of the car.

They both nodded at me, and max drives off as I walk inside the house.

Once I walked inside, I seen my parents sitting on the couch watching Married with children. Once they noticed I was home, they rolled their eyes and went back to watching the show.

Totally ignoring my existence.

I went upstairs and sat on my bed as I got to work drawing that idea of Carla's about the park.

I've been missing collin like crazy, drawing about him makes me feel like he's with me everyday.

As long as I get to do that, I'll be okay.

A few hours had passed, and I was exhausted by all the drawing and homework I had done. I crawl under my covers as I shut off my light and fall asleep.

"I love you collin" I whisper to myself as I hold onto a stuffed animal pretending it's my pretty boy.

Five minutes later. I'm out like a light.

End of chapter.

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