chapter six: amazing breakfast and skating plans (day off of school)

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Vivian pov:
I woke up happily rushing out of bed. Ever since i became friends with the boys I've been smiling from ear to ear. Today is the second day of school but Carrie said me and Collin had a day off cause of the snow outside. It's winter so it snowed really hard and the buses are too big to get through.

Maybe I can see the boys today if they can visit because of the snow.

They are really awesome boys. Who I know for a fact aren't fake. They are amazing and I'm really glad I met them. I just hope they feel the same about me.

They are my only friends. and I don't want to lose them. And... I hate to admit it but I don't want to lose Colin either.

He's the reason I met them and I'm so thankful and happy for that. He's not always a jackass

I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen. I seen Carrie making breakfast. It smells amazing. I saw bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes, and cereal all on the table.

"Oh wow Carrie this all looks and smells amazing!" I exclaim and she looks at me with a smile.

"Oh, thank you love! I didn't realize you were awake just yet. I was just about to get the cinnamon rolls out of the oven" she says as she smiles at me and puts on an oven glove.

Cinnamon rolls? I'm in heaven.

"Hey mom" I hear from behind me. My cheeks turn warm a little bit. Oh, I'm blushing. Shit...

I turn around and look at Colin. "Well, good morning to you" I say with a small smile. He does a cute nod and sits down next to me.

"Oh hello darling! I'm just finishing up breakfast" Carrie says as she puts the icing on the cinnamon rolls.

"Thanks, it smells great" he says while smiling at her. He smiled..

"Thank you love, can you and Vivian clear the table?" She asks, and i get up.

"Yes ma'am" he responds. He's so respectful towards her. Not many boys are like that now.

He gets up and helps me clear off everything on the table and we sit our plates and silverware on the table making them look nice. After filling our plates, we start praying.

They are religious too... could this get any better? Yeah, I probably never mentioned that my parents hated the lord.

I, of course, love him with all my heart. but they would talk shit to me whenever I brought up praying or blessings.

I pray to him every night before bed thanking him for what all he's done for me.

Now, you don't have to believe in God, but you should never hate on him.

He is the reason we exist after all.

After eating, me and Collin help Carrie with the dishes. She washes, I dry, and Collin puts them away.

This feels perfect, I feel perfect. I feel like I belong, I'm so happy here.

After we were done with the dishes Collin heads up to his room. He still doesn't talk to me much, except for a few words. but he isn't mean to me, so I'll take it.

I was on the couch reading, a romance book which I was really into. when I heard a knock on the door.

"Can you get that darling?" I hear Carrie say.

"Yes ma'am" I respond as I open the door. I saw the four boys all smiling brightly at me.

"Oh, hey guys!" I say with a big smile on my face. They all pull me into a short hug replying with, 'hi girly' or 'hello queen' and even just 'hi'

They are such dorks.

"So, are you going to let them inside or??" I hear Colin say.

I roll my eyes but smile a little and let them in.

"Hey! We were hugging on her, back off dude" Jake cuts in. Aww, he's so sweet.

"Aww does jakey have a little crush?" Dylan cuts in with a smirk. Jake's cheeks turn pink.

"No, she's just an awesome friend unlike you four" he responds. They all gasp and put their hands to their hearts acting offended.

"I'd die for this chick, no lie" he says with a bright smile as he hugs on me. I felt eyes on me and I looked to my left and made eye contact with Collin.

He looked... angry? Well, no surprise there. He's always angry. He probably has anger issues.

"Are you idiots ready to go yet?" Collin said while we still made eye contact.

God, his eyes are so beautiful. It's like they are pulling me in, bringing me closer to him. I've never seen such gorgeous eyes.

"Idiots? Who are you calling idiots?" Jake cuts in and the boys cheer with 'yeah!' They are such idiots. But they are adorable.

"Dude, I'm ready to go, so are we taking the queen or not?" Asher asks. I look at him confused.

"Huh?" I respond confused as fuck.

"Collin didn't ask you yet?" Jacob asks.

"Ask me what?" My eyes still haven't left his.

"Do you... want to go skating with us princess?" Colin responds to my question. A blush creeps up my cheeks at the nickname.

"Yeah, sure" I say with a smile.

"Oooh, vivians blushing" I heard the four boys say. I look away from Collin breaking the eye contact as I look at them.

I blush more, about to speak but Collin cuts in.

"Shut the fuck up you idiots, and go wait in the car. me and princess will be out in a minute" Collin says and they all bow to him jokingly.

"Yes you're highness" Jacob and Jake say in sync. I giggle a bit and Collin looks at me. "Go get dressed viv, I want to get there early so we can have a bit of time alone with our friends before the place is crowded" i nod at him and go upstairs to change.

Me and Carrie still have to go shopping for more clothes for me. While I'm getting dressed, Collin is on my mind.

Why does he keep giving me nicknames that give me butterflies? Why am I getting a crush on the bad boy of the school? And the jackass I live with? It isn't just his eyes I'm attracted to.

It's him. I have a fucking crush on the jackass how nice.

After I'm done getting dressed, I go downstairs to see Collin waiting for me like he promised. I give him a small smile.

"You ready angel?" Angel? Oh shit, the butterflies are back. I nod and look down trying to hide my blush. We walk outside and see the boys in they're cars waiting for us.

"You two took forever!" Jake said with a laugh.

"Did you have a quick one with her Collin?" Asher asks with a smirk. He's quiet, but he's dirty minded. They all are.

"Shut the fuck up you dirty asses and let's go" he opens the passenger seat for me and then goes to his side and gets in.

"Sorry... about them..." he turns on the car and looks at me.

"No, its okay, promise" I say blushing. I have to cut this out.

We both buckle up and head to the skating park with the boys following behind us.

I've never been skating, so I'm nervous And excited.

I hope I enjoy it. But since I'm going to be with the boys, I know I will.

End of chapter.

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