I Do

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Elizabeth's pov:-

It's been six months since Peter proposed to me. Today I am trying on dresses for my wedding. Mira and Lucy are helping me.

"What do you think about this one?" I ask stepping out from behind the curtains. This is the 20th dress I have tried on. None of us had liked the dresses before.

Looking at Mira and Lucy, I see them staring at me. "This is perfect!" Lucy squeals. Mira just nods her head.

It is a pure white off shoulder dress.

"Pete won't be able to take his eyes of you", Mira tells me

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"Pete won't be able to take his eyes of you", Mira tells me. I smile at them.

Edmund's pov:-

I am with Peter helping him with his wedding dress. Mira and Lucy are stuck with Eliza helping her with her wedding dress. Susan is taking care of the problems of the Narnians which is usually Peter and Eliza's job.

"Do you really think Eliza will like this dress?" Peter suddenly asks.

"Of course she will. You can go to the wedding wearing nothing but your bed clothes and she will still be happy", I answer.

He chuckles at the last bit. "I am not going to wear my bed clothes, thank you very much."

We both laugh loudly at this.

1 month later:-

Miranda's pov:-

It's finally the day of the wedding. I go to find Eliza but is stopped by Ed. "I need your help", he tells me.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Pete's nervous. No matter what I say it doesn't seem to be making a difference. I don't know what has gotten into him", he explains.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"In his room." I nod and go to his room. But again Ed stops me. "You look beautiful."

I give him a small kiss before going our own way. On reaching his door I knock.

"Yes?" I hear Peter's reply.

I push the door open and enter. Peter looks up. One look at him is enough to understand that he is very nervous. He is pacing around the room. I sit down on the only chair in the room.

"Will you please sit down?" I ask.

He looks at me before sitting down on his bed. "Why are you nervous?" I ask.

"I am about to be married and I.... I don't know exactly how to make it down the aisle-" I cut Peter off here.

"You have pre wedding jitters. You of all people has to have pre wedding jitters", When I say this he gets up and starts pacing around the room again. "Did you ever wonder why I didn't object when you told me you want to propose?" I ask.

He stops pacing and looks at me. "Yes I did wonder about it", he answers.

"Because she is happiest when she is with you. She was never that happy around me. I know there was a witch but sometimes we got to be alone and even then she was not as happy as she is with you."

While saying all this I walked over to him and squeezed his shoulder comfortingly.

We hear a knock and look up to see Ed. "It's time."

I look at Peter and he gives me a determined nod. I smile at him before walking out and heading to Eliza's room.

Susan's pov:-

Eliza is pacing around the room clearly nervous. "Where is she?" She keeps repeating this question.

"Calm down Mira will be here any moment", I try to reassure her. But clearly it is not working.

At this moment a knock sounds on the door. Eliza stops pacing and looks up hopefully. "Come in", I say.

Ed opens the door and walks in. "Where is Mira?" Eliza almost shouts.

Ed looks taken aback for a moment before a smile spreads across his face. "You two are really going to be perfect for each other", Ed sighs.

Both of our brows furrow. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"Pete is nervous and so is Eliza. They are both having pre wedding jitters and Peter is not listening to me", he explains.

"If you are looking for Mira we don't know where she is." I tell him while throwing Eliza an exasperated glance because she has resumed her pacing.

"Mira is with Peter right now. That is not why I am here. You are. " He says the last part looking at Eliza.

Eliza looks up confused. "Mira guessed you would be like this", he explains.

"Why don't you stop being nervous. I made a suggestion to Pete the day he had his dress fitting. He said he won't do it."

Clearly Eliza understood the meaning because she smiles at this. Although I don't understand I decide to leave it for later. "Can you imagine Pete like that?" Eliza nods her head at this.

We hear a knock and Lucy comes in. "Ed", she starts. "Peter is supposed to be on the aisle now with you beside him."

"I need to go." Saying this Ed darts out of the room.

A bit later Mira enters. "So are you ready?" She asks looking at Eliza.

"Yes", Eliza answers in a confident voice. Mira nods her head.

We all walk down to the chapel.

Elizabeth's pov:-

I wait with Mira outside the big doors. Everyone else has walked inside already. Mira is giving me away while Mr. Tumnus is officiating the ceremony.

Mira holds out her hand to me. I take it and we walk inside. A quick glance around the room tells me everyone is present.

But my eyes are on one person only. Peter stands at the very front and he looks really handsome in the dress he is wearing. I can see Peter looking only at me and no one else. His eyes roam down my body before looking back at my eyes.

As soon as we reach the aisle he reaches over and Mira places the hand she is holding into his. She then goes to stand beside me as she is the Maid of Honor while Ed is the Best Man.

I don't even hear what Mr. Tumnus is saying. I look into Peter's eyes and get lost in them. I come back to reality when I hear Mr. Tumnus say, "May I have the rings?"

I quickly turn towards Mira while Peter turns towards Ed. When we both have the rings we face each other again and Mr. Tumnus continues.

"Do you High King Peter take Princess Elizabeth to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asks turning to Peter.

"I do", Peter answers with a smile on his face.

"And do you Princess Elizabeth take High King Peter to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asks turning to me.

"I do", I answer with a smile which matches Peter's.

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Peter pulls me into a kiss even before he is finished. I hear cheers but I didn't care.

Welcome back to another book.

Eliza and Peter are married.

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