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Miranda's pov:-

I jolt awake. I sit up panting a little. Ed sits up beside me looking at me questioningly. I gradually stop my panting.

"What happened? Nightmares?" He asks.

I look at him biting my lip. I am not sure how to answer his question. I sigh. "I hope so", I finally answer.

He frowns. I have always been honest with him, I wasn't going to stop now. "I saw Jadis come back to life. She used Peter's blood to do it."

His face pales a little but he quickly says "It was only a nightmare." I am not sure whether he said it to reassure me or himself.

I glance at the clock. Six o'clock. The room is too dark. I look out the window and see the everything is dark. "Is the clock right?" I ask Ed.

He also does the same thing. "It was right when we went to sleep. We still have a few hours before anybody gets up. After that we can-" But Ed never gets to finish.

"Mira, can I come in?" I hear Susan's voice.

I look at Ed. We are not supposed to be sleeping together. He quickly stands up and nods to me. "Come in", I answer.

Susan enters and immediately notices Ed. She doesn't say anything about it. "Some of the Narnians came to ask me about the sky. I told everybody to gather in the throne room. I came to check if you will join me and Lucy." She turns towards Ed. "Since you are here too, I am asking you the same question."

"I need to check something first", I answer.

She nods her head and looks at Ed. "I will go with you. Give me a minute."

After they both went to the throne room I quickly got dressed and headed to the library. I have seen a book on how to bring Jadis back from the dead. I have never opened it but now seemed to be a good time.

I find the book I am looking for and open it. Seeing the spell the book drops from my hand.

Edmund's pov:-

After reassuring the Narnians the three of us head outside to the garden. Looking at the garden my brow furrows. Mira is pacing around looking to the sky again and again.

I exchange glances with Susan and Lucy. We walk over. She looks up at us. "What is it?" Lucy asks.

Without saying anything she gestures to the book lying open. We crowd around it and see that it is a spell for bringing back Jadis. I already know what is written. After reading it Susan asks, "What has it got to do with anything?"

"Everything", I answer before Mira can. Susan and Lucy look at us questioningly. I sigh before explaining.

"I have been having nightmares about Jadis for the last month. She hates me more than anyone else. It's one of the side effects of the spell." I say pointing at the book.

"She loved me most. I saw her come back to life. You came in after that. It is also one of the side effects", Mira continues after me looking at Susan.

"One drop of Adam's blood", Lucy reads from the book. "Whose blood did they use?"

"Peter", Mira answers.

Elizabeth's pov:-

I stand at the door to the kitchen looking at Jadis. All kinds of questions going through my head. She smiles sweetly at me. "Why don't you sit with me, dear?"

I almost flinch at how sweet her voice is. She has never talked with me this sweetly. Instead of sitting down I remain where I am. "Where's Peter?" I ask gripping my sword tightly.

"I really hoped you wouldn't ask that question", she says sighing. "But since you have look out the window."

I do as she says being careful not to let her out of my sight completely. As soon as I look out the window my heart sinks. Peter is tied up against a tree looking at our bedroom window but clearly not seeing me.

I feel Jadis walk up to me and I turn around drawing my sword. She looks at the sword, amused. "If you don't want your husband to get hurt, throw the sword away", she says all sweetness gone from her voice.

I glare at her but do as she says knowing there are others outside. "Very good", she says sweetly. "Now why don't you just sit down and we can talk."

I know exactly what will happen if I refuse. I sit down where she indicated. "So what do you want to talk about?" I say glaring at her.

"I am going to give you a choice. Even though I know exactly what you will choose-" Jadis starts.

"Then why even bother?" I ask cutting her off. She laughs. "Because I want to see the look on your face. Now the choice is simple. Come with me quietly by putting on this bracelets or you can fight and your husband pays."

I stare at her stunned. I feel all the blood leave my face at the last part. She must have seen it because she smirks at me satisfied. I look outside again and see Peter and the dwarf Ginarrbrik standing near him holding a knife.

Peter's pov:-

It has been half an hour since Jadis went inside. Before going in she told me exactly what she is going to say to Eliza. I know what she will choose so does Jadis.

I have been searching the entire house to see if I can see any signs that Eliza is awake. I see shadows moveing in the bedroom. I know she will go down stairs and into the kitchen.

The dwarf comes to stand beside me his knife drawn. If he decides to use the knife there is nothing I can do. Jadis has tied me to the tree so tightly that I can't move.

I am looking at the kitchen window when suddenly the dwarf hits me on the gash on my arm. Not expecting it I scream. I realised it can mean two things.

One, Eliza decided to fight which is unlikely and two, it is as a warning so that Eliza forgets any ideas of a fight which is exactly what happened.

I watch as Jadis walks outside dragging Eliza behind her. She is unconscious and is wearing some kind of bangles. I look at her trying to see if she is hurt.

"She is alright. The bangles make sure she can't use any magic", she says with a laugh. I glare at her as the hag unties me. "Now carry her and don't even think about running because neither of you will like the consequences."

I pick Eliza up and start walking behind Jadis as the dwarf and the hag walks behind me.

Jadis has both Peter and Eliza with her. And luckily for them the others know that Jadis is alive.

Can they save Peter and Eliza or do they need to save themselves? Read on to find out.

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