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Miranda's pov:-

Two year later-
(Peter and Eliza-27, Susan-26, Edmund and Mira-24, Lucy-22)

Tomorrow is Rose's two year birthday. A party has been arranged. This will be her first ever party. She is really excited.

But today a white stag has been spotted towards the northwest. Peter and Eliza immediately wanted to go and catch it. "It will grant us any wish", Eliza says in defense.

The rest of the Pevensies, especially Ed didn't want to go. They eventually gave in. Ed still hasn't. So I decide to talk with him.

"Why don't you want to go?" I ask.

"Because I have a feeling something will go wrong", he answers. I look at him raising an eyebrow. He sighs before continuing. "And because you are not coming."

"I can't. Someone needs to stay and look after Rose and take care of the arrangements for tomorrow", I say.

"Then let me stay with you", he says.

"No", I say firmly. "You need to spend some time with your siblings. You spend all your time with either me or Rose and I am not saying that is a bad thing but your siblings miss you."

He sighs. "Fine", he says. He kisses me before going to get ready.

Elizabeth's pov:-

We are riding through the forest chasing after the white stag. All of us felt bad for leaving Mira behind but she was adamant and nothing we said could sway her.

Suddenly the white stag vanishes from view. We check around but don't find any sign of it. "Where's Ed?" Lucy suddenly asks.

We all look back to see Ed missing. "I don't know. He was behind me even a minute ago", Susan answers.

We all ride back and find Ed on Philip who is breathing heavily. "Come on Ed", Susan says.

"I'm just catching my breath", he replies starting to breath heavily. I roll my eyes.

"Well that's all we are gonna catch at this rate", I say.

"What did he say again?" Lucy asks in a mocking tone.

"You girls wait here I will go get the stag myself", Susan replies in a tone which is supposed to be Ed.

We all burst out laughing even Ed cracks a smile. "That doesn't sound like Ed", Peter says after stopping.

"What's this?" Ed asks looking behind us.

We all look around and see a lantern burning brightly in the middle of the day. Lucy had dismounted and walked up to it. "It seems familiar", Peter says gazing at it transfixed.

We all get down from our horses and walk up to Lucy. "As if from.... a dream", Susan says.

"Or a dream of a dream", I say.

"Spare Oom", Lucy muttered and ran towards some bushes. We all chase after her. Suddenly Peter exclaims, "These aren't branches!"

"They are coats", Susan says. Then we all started to shout together.

"Susan you're on my foot!"

"Peter move off!"

"Stop shoving!"

"Get off! " I say shoving whoever bumped into me.

"I am not on your toe!"

Suddenly a wall flew open and we all tumbled out and land on the ground. We all sit up groaning as I take a look around. I see everyone is at the same age as when I met them. Even I look like a 16 year old. We are in a small room with only one window through which bright sunlight is coming. It seems as if we came out of a wardrobe and there is a door in front of us which is opening.

A man with a white beard and white hair comes in. "There you are!" He exclaims. I have never seen this man in my life. "What were you doing in the wardrobe?"

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you", Peter answers.

"Try me", the man replied throwing the ball he is holding. Peter catches it with ease. The man's eyes fall on me. "And who might you be?"

Everyone looks at me. "No", Ed whispers at the moment. I remember about Mira and Rose.

He gets up and goes inside the wardrobe. "Let me go back", he yells punching the back of the wardrobe.

Peter and I quickly drag him back to the room. "What happened?" Peter asks.

He doesn't say anything only starts to cry holding onto Peter. Peter looks at me confused. The others are too. "Mira", I say simply trying to hold back the tears.

The one word is enough for everyone to realise what has happened. Everything goes quite except for the sound of Ed crying. I look back at the wardrobe knowing there is no way back through it.

Miranda's pov:-

It's been five hours since the others went out hunting. Rose and I are having dinner. "Momma, will Dada be back?" Rose asks.

I smile at him. "Of course he will be. He will never miss his little girl's birthday", I say earning a smile from her.

At the moment the doors open and Aslan walks in. "Aslan?" I ask confused as to why he is here.

"You will need to cancel the party. I have send everyone back to their world and Eliza left with them", Aslan says.

At his words it seemed as if the world came crashing down around me. I look at Rose and she is looking confused. "How can Ed leave without Rose?" I say.

"He didn't have a choice. None of them did. I send them back because there time here was done. But yours isn't. You will lead Narnia now and when the time comes Rose will take over from you", Aslan says. "Edmund will come back one day. But for him very little time will have passed while for you a very long time."

I nod my head. "What danger are we facing?" I ask.

"For now nothing. But word will get out that only you remain as the Queen of Narnia. Once that word gets out someone will attack."

"The Telmarines", I whisper.

"I will have to leave now", Aslan says. "But I have to say this before I go. You will meet Edmund again and when you do don't blame him or any of them for leaving. They never knew that they are leaving Narnia. If you want to blame anyone blame me."

With this words Aslan turns around and leaves. I sit down again. Mr. Tumnus enters at the moment. "Your majesty we can't find the others", he says. Oreuis comes in at the moment.

"I know", I reply. They look at me confused. "They have gone back to their world." I explain.

"Then you are our High Queen", Oreuis says clearly shocked.

"Mr. Tumnus cancel the party tomorrow. Oreuis gather the troops and prepare them for battle", I say taking command and appearing strong in front of them when all I want to do is break down. "It won't be long until word gets out that five of the rulers of Narnia are missing."

They nod their heads and goes to do what I said. "Momma is eveythig okay?" Rose asks.

"They will be don't worry", I say. "One day they will be."

Rose looks at me not understanding a word of what I said. I smile at her sadly and take her to bed.

"Can you sing to me, momma?" Rose asks. I smile down at her and start singing.

When I am finished singing I look down to see her asleep. 'Now for the hardest part. Getting everything ready.'

The Pevensies have returned to their world along with Eliza. Mira and Rose have been left behind.

We all know what happens next. The Telmarines attack and the Narnians are forced into hiding.

So I will write a short epilogue and then move onto the next book.

Let me know what you think about the chapter. And vote.

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