Masquerade Party

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Miranda's pov:-

We are getting ready for the party. "Promise me you will stay near me", Ed suddenly says.

"I promise", I say from behind the partition.

"Can I see my wife in her dress now?" He asks.

I chuckle. I can hear his chuckle as well as I step out from behind the partition. "Wow", he says breathlessly.

I am wearing a red dress, the mask in my hand. Of course it is a simple one. I am posing as a Telmarine after all.

"You don't look so bad yourself", I tease Ed

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"You don't look so bad yourself", I tease Ed.

He laughs. "Atleast we match", he says.

"That we do", I say.

"I guess we need to go now, don't we?" He says looking slightly disappointed.

Elizabeth's pov:-

"Still nervous?" I ask.

"Yes", He answers. "Seeing you in that dress would make anyone nervous."

I roll my eyes at him and throw a pillow which he easily catches. "I promised you we will not match so we are not matching."

"Somehow the green is making you look more like a royal", he jokes.

"Don't worry they won't think that", I say

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"Don't worry they won't think that", I say.

He furrows his eyebrows so I explain.

"You will understand when you see their dresses. Your dress will look like nothing beside theirs."

"Good thing that I don't care about that", he says.

"Alright alright", I say. "Let's just go downstairs."

We go down but separate before anyone can see us. I meet up with Mira who is wearing a red dress. Together we enter the throne room. I see Ed also wearing a red dress.

"Please don't tell me you and Ed decided to match", I say scoffing.

"The only thing matching is the colour of our dresses", Mira defends herself. "We can argue about how much Ed and I match or we do our jobs. Which one sounds better to you?"

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