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I am publishing this chapter so that there is no confusion about the timeline.

The story starts with Eliza and Peter choosing their dresses for their wedding. Then one month later they marry.

Next day they go away on their honeymoon . While they are having fun back at Cair Paravel the others are missing them.

That night Jadis is brought back from the dead and Mira sees this happen one hour later.

Following morning Eliza is captured by Jadis. Mira figures out that she actually saw Jadis come back from the dead. Some time later Ed an Mira set out to rescue Peter and Eliza.

While they travel Jadis hurts Mira and Peter. And back in Cair Paravel Susan and Lucy find out Ed and Mira has gone after Jadis.

That night Lucy not being able to sleep goes to Susan while Ed and Mira rescue Peter and Eliza. They travel throughout the night and stop to rest when it is almost morning.

Peter and Eliza sleep while Mira and Ed keep watch. Here Jadis is able to capture Ed and Mira while Peter and Eliza make it back to Cair Paravel safely.

Jadis takes Mira and Ed to her palace and tortures them. Aslan visits the others in Cair Paravel and tells them everything.

Next morning Ed is able to break the spell on Mira. Peter and the rest are coming but they don't know what has happened exactly.


I know that I haven't given the povs in exactly that order and I am sorry. But I hope any doubt you had is removed by this.

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