The Nightmare

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Elizabeth's pov:-

Peter and I are getting ready to go to the North. We are going ahead to see the amount of damage the giants have done. But we never said this to the others.

"Are you ready?" Peter asks.

I nod. We go down to the stables and see that more than half the army is there along with Mira and Ed.

"What is going on?" Peter asks looking from Mira to Ed to Oreuis.

"We cannot allow our High King and High Queen to go to war alone", Oreuis says.

"I believe my orders were clear. Eliza and I go first-", Peter begins looking at Oreuis. He turns to Ed and Mira, "-and you two are supposed to follow with half the army."

"I remember what you said Pete", Mira says. "But you are going with half the army and Ed and I are not going to follow you."

Peter and Mira glare at each other before Mira steps upto Peter and whispers something. Peter takes a step back surprised.

Peter's pov:-

I glare at Mira and she glares back at me. She steps upto me and whispers, "Last time both Ed and I ignored our nightmares it turned out to be a mistake. Don't make the same mistakes we did."

I take a step back from Mira looking at her shocked. 'How did she know about my dream?'

"I can read minds and I can't always help it", Mira tells me still whispering.

I look at her and nod. "Fine. You two don't need to follow us. They can come with us."

I get on my horse and Eliza does the same but not before giving me a quizzical look.

I ignore it as I lead everyone North.

Edmund's pov:-

Mira and I watch as Peter and Eliza rides away leading half the army. After they are gone I turn to Mira.

"What did you say to him to get him to agree to leave?" I ask.

"Peter has been having nightmares lately. Of his and Eliza's death at the hands of giants. I told him not to make the same mistakes we did."

"How do you know it worked?" I ask still feeling puzzled. I know Mira can read minds so I am not surprised she knows this.

"Peter didn't have this nightmare last night. He didn't go to sleep until after we had made sure that the army is ready", Mira answers.

"And he agreed because you convinced him that not taking the army will certainly mean their death."

I nod at his words. He does understand everything I say even when I speak in riddles.

"We need to inform Lucy and Susan", I say taking a deep breath.

"Are you nervous?" Mira asks smiling.

"About how Susan will react to this development", I answer smiling also.

"How about we tell them about our engagement as well?" Mira offers.

"That might be just the thing", I say.

Saying this we go inside holding each other's hands.

Elizabeth's pov:-

I am a little surprised at Peter's behaviour. In all these years I have known him he has never acted like this.

"What did Mira say to you?" I ask.

Peter doesn't answer. He acts as if he didn't hear my question. I reach over and hold his horse's reigns. His horde immediately stops. Everyone stops behind us. I gesture for them to continue.

They continues on and I lead Peter and my horses to the trees. "Are you going to answer my question?" I ask angrily.

He looks away before turning back to me with tears in his eyes. I look at him surprised and confused. "Fine I will tell you. Just don't interrupt", he finally says.

I nod and listen as he tells me about his nightmares. I am shocked as he tells me everything. After he finishes we both stay silent for some time.

"Why did you not tell me all this before?" I ask.

"I didn't know how to. I wanted to tell you about it all but I didn't know how", he answers.

"All you had to do was come to me. Okay?"

He nods. "No more secrets", I say.

"No more secrets", he repeats.

We resume our path and go to the front of the army. We don't say anything else and keep riding in silence.

I think about everything he said. 'I will trust Mira on this.' I decide.

Lucy's pov:-

We stare at Mira and Ed as they tell us about the change of plans. "And none of you decided to inform us?!" Susan practically screams.

Mira rolls her eyes before responding. "As if that would have made a difference."

Ed and I smile at Mira while Susan glare at Mira. Mira is smirking at Susan.

"And that is not the only thing we wanted to tell you", Ed says.

"What is it?" I ask not allowing Susan to say anything.

Ed and Mira exchange an excited glance before turning to us. "Last night we got engaged", Mira says still smirking.

Susan and I stare at Mira and Ed not sure how to react. "Congratulations!" I almost scream. Both Ed and Mira laugh at me and I rush over to them and hug them.

Susan joins us soon. After a while we break the hug. "Why didn't you say anything last night?" I ask.

"Because Peter and Eliza were preoccupied with battle plans", Mira says.

"Do they know?" Susan asks.

"No", Ed answers.

"How about we make preparations for your wedding and have it when they come back?" I ask.

The other three smile at me. "That sounds perfect", Mira says.

"So when do you want to start planning?" I ask.

"Whenever you like", Ed answers.

"Then come with me", I say dragging Ed and Mira with me. They laugh and Susan follows behind us.

We spend the rest of the day planning small things about the wedding.

Miranda's pov:-

After having dinner we head upstairs. "Finally", Ed says beside me.

I laugh. "I have never seen Lucy this excited before", I say.

"Agreed", Ed says. "And I lived with her for eleven years before meeting you."We both laugh as we get in bed.

"Good night", I say kissing Ed.

"Good night", Ed whispers through the kiss.

Sorry if the chapter seemed to be a filler.

The battle that Eliza and Peter went to is the same one as in the book 'The Horse and his Boy'.

But the other events won't occur here. Stay tuned for the next chapter. Until then let me know what you thought about this chapter. And vote as well.

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