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Miranda's pov:-

Peter and Eliza has gone away for their honeymoon and nobody knew where, except me. Ed and I are sitting in the throne room listening to complains of the Narnians and trying our best to solve them.

"How many more?" Ed whispers to me.

"Last one", I whisper back.

After we completed we went to find Susan and Lucy. As expected they are sitting outside. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Getting some air", Lucy answers.

"It's not like there isn't air inside", Ed says. We all laugh before we sit down with the girls.

"How did it go?" Susan asks.

"I still don't understand how Pete and Eliza did this every day." Ed says this with a sigh.

All of us share a laugh. Lucy asks "Where do you think they are going?"

"I know that Pete asked you for information on where to go," Ed says looking at me. "So are you going to tell us where?"

I laugh. "I promised not to tell Eliza but I never promised not to tell any of you."At this Lucy's face lights up. I smile at her before continuing. "There is a house which I made in the South. That is where they are going."

"That's a nice place to go", Susan says.

"I am hungry", Lucy says after a while.

"You should be. It's half past twelve." Susan's eyes widen at this. "Let's go get something to eat then", she says.

That night:-

Lucy's pov:-

At dinner we are very quiet. "Why are we not having any conversation?" I ask a little bored.

Mira chuckles before answering. "Because when we sit down at dinner we have Peter and Eliza with us. And Eliza is the one who comes up with topics."

"So why don't we come up with a topic?" I ask.

"You already have, Lu", Ed answers smiling.

"Have I?"

"Of course. You started a conversation by asking us a question. So you come up with topics until they come back", Susan says.

"Alright", I say happily.

The rest of the dinner I came up with different topics and the rest of course help.

"I think I will head up. Taking Pete's place is very exhausting", Ed says. We all burst into laughter.

I run up to Ed and hug him. "Good night", I say.

At this moment Susan looks at the clock. "You should be in bed", she says looking at me.

I sigh. "You had to look at the clock, didn't you?" I ask. Everyone laughs.

We say our good night to each other.

Edmund's pov:-

After we had changed and got into bed I ask the question that's bothering me. "Do you think I will have nightmares tonight as well?"

I heard Mira's sigh. "I hope not. I still don't understand why you are having the nightmares again."

"I wish I knew. I never have any nightmares when I am with you. But from last month they started coming and all of them involve her. I really wish I could understand it."

"How about we hope that you won't be having any nightmares and we go to sleep?" She asks in her normal voice but I can sense the unease behind it.

We lie down and soon I am asleep.

I am sitting in a cell made of ice. Jadis steps inside with the dwarf behind her smiling at me.

I look at her wondering what she wants. "Are you going to tell me what else you know?"

"I don't know anything else", I answer my voice quivering.

She motions to the dwarf and he walks out. She walks upto me. I look at her fearfully and she smiles sweetly. The dwarf enters dragging Mira behind him.

I look at her and feel my heart sink. She is bruised and covered in blood. Jadis laughs before walking over to Mira and raising her whip. She brings it down and Mira screams in pain. I shout for Jadis to stop. "Tell me what I want to know."

"I don't know anything else", I say desperately.

She looks at me for a moment before continuing. Mira's screams break my heart and I try to get to her to protect her but my hands are chained against the wall. She whips Mira again and again and I can feel the tears running down my face. "Stop please", I beg.

Miranda's pov:-

I wake up to Ed tossing and turning beside me. I here him pleading with somebody. I guess that it's Jadis.

I shake him by the shoulders and he jolts up. I gently place my hand on his shoulder. He looks at me then he checks the room.

"We are alone in here. Don't worry", I try to reassure him.

He looks at me with eyes full of tears. I pull him close and hug him. I can feel him crying. He goes on for a long time. I try to calm him down. After he stops he pulls away.

"Was it different?" I ask. He looks at me for a moment before nodding his head. "What was it about?"

He looks at me his eyes filling with tears again. He tells me and I stare at him shocked. "I can't deal with the nightmares if they involve you like that."

"Back when I had nightmares some of mine were like that too", I say, my voice low. He looks at me surprised. I had never told him about this before. "The nights I didn't tell you about my nightmares are when I had them."

"How were you able to deal with them?"

"By looking at you after waking up. Knowing that it was all just a nightmare. You are safe. That's how I dealt with it."

He looks at me for sometime before nodding. I glance at the clock once. Three in the morning. "Good night", he says.

"Good morning", I correct him. He chuckles before sleeping again. I look at him biting my lip. Something is really wrong. He was able to sleep without any nightmares if I am with him. Now he is having them no matter what.

I sigh. I can think about all this properly in the morning. I also go to sleep.

Peter's pov:-

I suddenly wake up. I look around to understand why I woke up. I see Eliza sleeping peacefully beside me. I smile a little looking at her.

Then I hear a sound downstairs. I frown. I keep my ears strained to see if I can hear it again. There it is again. I decide to check out the noise.

I slip out of bed and throw some clothes on. I walk downstairs and see a hag and a dwarf. I left my sword in the bedroom. I try to sneak away unnoticed but the hag turns around and seeing me, quickly snaps her fingers.

I open my eyes and see an ice wall in front of me. In the ice wall is Jadis. I try to move but I can't. The hag must have placed some kind of spell on me. The dwarf walks up takes my hand, cuts it and extends my hand towards Jadis. She grasps it and the ice wall shatters.

I have no way to protect myself and a shard cuts my arm deeply. But I keep looking in front of me ignoring everything else.

Jadis is standing in front of me.


Elizabeth's pov:-

I walk downstairs not hearing Peter answer. I notice someone in the kitchen. It doesn't seem like Peter. But it seems to be someone I know. I walk in and the person turns towards me.

I freeze. It cannot be. How can Jadis be standing here? And where is Peter?

Jadis is back from the dead. Peter is already captured. What will Eliza do next?

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