It Will Be Alright

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Edmund's pov:-

We reached Cair Paravel an hour ago. All the Narnians were overjoyed and Peter had to practically shout at them that we are all very tired. They promised us a party after we have recovered and let us go.

I am waiting for Mira to finish her bath so that we can talk. Mira comes out and seeing me immediately goes to the balcony. Sighing I follow her there.

"Stop avoiding me", I say while approaching her. She doesn't turn and I gently place a hand on her shoulder.

"I thought you might not want to talk to me", she answers.

"No matter what happens I will always want to talk to you", I say. I see her face fall a little. "What is it?" I ask.

She takes a shaky breath before turning to me. Then she starts talking in a rush. "I knew that she can be brought back to life with her wand. I didn't know exactly what is necessary but I knew. And I never said anything. This might all have been avoided if-"

When she started my eyes widened a bit but I quickly composed myself and put a finger on her lips to stop her from saying anything else.

"Stop. You don't know if this could have been avoided if you had said something", I say to stop her from beating herself up anymore. "And now it doesn't matter. Lucy brought the wand back and Peter destroyed the crystal on top. So no one can bring her back to life. Do you understand?" I ask.

She nods her head. "I'm sorry", she says after a moment. I look at her.

"What for?" I ask.

"For..." She doesn't say anything more but gestures to my back. I bite my lower lip. I knew that she wouldn't forgive herself but I need to tell her the truth.

"It wasn't your fault", I begin with what everyone says I am sure. She goes to say something but I cut her off. "Just listen. When you used the wh...whip I screamed louder than I needed to." I see the curious look on her face and know that she won't interrupt.

"When you took the whip from her after a few minutes I understood that you are still in there and that you can fight it. I figured if I screamed louder than was necessary then maybe you would be free of the control", I say carefully seeing the expression on her face. "Even though I knew exactly how much that would hurt you", I admit.

"But that was necessary", she whispers. "And maybe if you said I love you before we could have avoided it entirely."

"Maybe", I admit. I pull her into a hug and she doesn't resist. She rests her head on my chest and we stay like that for a long time.

Elizabeth's pov:-

Peter and I are in our room. "Think we can complete our honeymoon here?" He suddenly asks.

I laugh a little. "How can you think about our honeymoon at this time?" I ask a little disbelievingly.

"When else will I think about this?" He asks.

"That's not how I meant it", I say sighing. He gives me a questioning look. "Just I don't think this is a very good time."

He nods. "I know. I just figured you will like something to take your mind of things."

"It's not me you should be worried about."

"Ed and Mira?" I nod. "I know but they won't talk to us. I want to do something for them but I can't think of anything."

I think for a moment. "What about the party the Narnians promised them?"

His eyes lit up at the suggestion. "I know exactly how to do it. You go and check on them. See how they are. If they are well then the party can be tonight."

I nod and get up. When I reach there room I softly knock on the door. "Come in" I hear Mira's voice.

I gently open the door to see them sitting on the bed. I assumed they were talking. I smiled at them and they returned it. "How are you two feeling?" I ask.

"Better with every moment", Mira answers.

I stand there awkwardly not knowing what to say next. "Is there anything we can help you with?" Ed asks.

"The Narnians are asking if they can throw the welcome back party tonight. So I came to check if it's okay with you two", I answer as honestly as possible.

"No the Narnians are not asking", Mira says. I look at her surprised. 'How does she even know that?' I wonder.

She smiles at the look on my face. "Because you are thinking exactly how you and Peter will arrange the party."

I roll my eyes. "Very funny", I say sarcastically. She smirks at me. "So what is your answer?" I say seeing neither of them is going to say anything more.

They exchange a look before Ed answers. "We don't have a problem."

There must have been something about my expression because both of them started laughing. "What?" I asked bewildered.

"You look like a kid whose Christmas came early", Mira answers.

"Are you done?" I ask a little mad. I leave the room but something felt of to me. They are a bit too cheerful.

Miranda's pov:-

After Eliza left we waited for a few minutes before saying anything. "Do you think she suspected something?" Ed asks.

"I will be surprised if she didn't. She's smart. And we were a bit too cheerful. Especially after...." I trail off knowing he understands what I meant.

He nods. "They will ask us to talk to them. Think you want too?"

"No I don't. Eliza can say that she knows what it's like but she doesn't. No one else does", I answer. He sighs.

"Maybe", he says simply.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I don't know if we can keep on acting as if we are okay. They will watch us like hawks." I smile at this. "And Eliza and Pete won't give up until they know for certain that we are okay."

"I get that you want them to help us. I do as well. But I just can't talk about it", I say feeling tears come to my eyes.

"I can't either", he says looking away. I reach over and gently turn his head towards me. The tears are flowing freely down his face.

Instead of saying anything I pull him near me and hug him. We stay like that for some time. "Sorry for being like this", he whispers pulling away.

"Don't be", I say simply. I wait for a few moments before continuing. "Want to tell me?" I ask.

He doesn't respond. I start to think he won't say anything when he begins. "I just can't get it out of my head. I don't know how you do it."

I look at him contemplating whether or not I should tell him. I sigh deciding to. "It only seems like I can get it out of my mind. I can't." He looks at me surprised.

"Remember the first time she tortured me?" I ask. He only nods. "She left me in the cell all night without magic." His eyes widen at the last part. "Next morning she came in took of the bracelets and told me to clean up quickly. And if she saw even a single trace that my mind is wondering to yesterday then she would make it worse."

I stop. I see him swallow nervously. "I had to learn to hide my thoughts. To make it seem as if last night was nothing. That it's not on my mind all the time. As time went on I just did not think about what she did the last day since it was expected." I stop not wanting to continue.

"No mother should be like that", he says.

"Want to tell her?" I say smiling a little. He rolls his eyes at me but smiles. "As long as we are together it will be alright." I try to assure him. He just nods.

Some places in this chapter did break my heart.

But they did make it up and Peter is making sure the wand is destroyed. If only he knew.

The book is far from over. It may seem like that but trust me it isn't.

Well let me know what you think. And leave a vote.

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