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Miranda's pov:-

I sit up panting from the nightmare I had. I look over and see Ed still sleeping. This is the second time I have woken up tonight. Of course most of them are not nightmares. All have happened before with Ed and me when Jadis got us.

As time went on Ed's nightmares stopped and mine decreased. The first night back I couldn't sleep because of the nightmares. Now I can get atleast two hours of sleep.

I get out of bed and walk out to the balcony. I like to watch the sky, it is always peaceful.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I turn my head slightly to look at Ed. "I thought you were sleeping", I say.

"You think you can get out of bed and I won't know about it?" He questions. I laugh slightly.

"How many times?" He asks.

"Two." I can feel him stiffen slightly. I turn around to look at him. I can see from his expression that he already knows what the nightmares are.

"Want to talk?" He still asks.

"Are you sure?"

He nods. "The first one was almost the same thing", I say. He looks at me waiting for me to continue but I don't want to.

"And the second?" I sigh. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it."

"No it's not that. Just..." I stop not continuing. I take a deep breath before continue.

"It was when she offered me the choice. My choice was how you will die. Painfully or painlessly. I don't choose anything and then she...", I stop tears streaming down my face.

Ed pulls me in a hug. "It's alright. She's gone and can never come back. And with time the nightmares will stop too."

"How long will it take? It's already been six months", I say exasperatedly.

"It will, don't worry", he reassures. We stay in the balcony for some time before going inside.

"It's already five. How much longer do you think before Lucy or someone else comes to wake us up?" I ask smiling.

He smiles also. "Two or three seconds", he answers. At that very moment the door opens and Lucy walks in.

Ed and I burst out laughing not being able to help it. "What?" Lucy asks confused.

"Nothing Lu", Ed answers while shrugging his shoulders at me as if to say 'I told you so'.

Two Years Later-

(Peter and Elizabeth-19, Susan-18, Edmund and Miranda-16, Lucy-14)

Edmund's pov:-

I am really nervous as I wait for Mira to come out of her room. It is our third anniversary. Unlike Peter and Eliza we didn't complicate our anniversary date.

So it also means that today is Mira's birthday. I have planned a date for us. We are going to spend the entire day horse riding. It is both of our favorite activity.

"So what do you think?" Mira asks coming out of the room.

"Wow." The only thing that I can say at the moment. She is wearing a riding outfit, one I have not seen before.

"Do I really look that good?" Mira chuckles.

"No matter what you wear, to me you will always look good", I answer.

I draw her in and kiss her. It's a long one. She finally breaks it. "Are we going to keep kissing or go on our date?"

I smile. "I don't have a problem with either", I answer.

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