I Love You

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Lucy's pov:-

Peter and Eliza are being looked at by the fauns. Susan is with Mr. Tumnus and Oreuis and rest of the generals.

I walk outside to the garden and sit down under our tree.  The last time we had fun was here. I feel tears come to my eyes at the memory. I quickly wipe my eyes. It starts to snow.

"Aslan what are we going to do?" I ask looking at the sea. I don't even know if this will work. But I have to try.

"Have courage little one", somebody says from behind me. Recognising the voice I turn around.

"Aslan!" I scream and run to him hugging him. "Please help us", I say after pulling away.

"First let us go inside", Aslan says. I walk with him to Peter and Eliza's room. Susan is there with them. All of them look up as we enter.

"Aslan!" All three say in unison. Susan immediately rushes over followed by Eliza and Peter and they hug Aslan. After they step back Aslan says "Ask the questions on your minds."

We look between each other before Peter asks "What is happening to them?"

Aslan looks at us all sadly before answering. "Jadis is making them choose how she will hurt the other."

Peter's pov:-

We all stare at Aslan. It's worse than what she did to us. I can't even imagine what it is like knowing that you chose how someone hurts the one you love.

I feel a wave of guilt. All I had to do was go back and not listen to the dryad. But of course I listened to the dryad.

"They would have been angry if you did it", Aslan says looking at me knowing exactly what I am thinking. "They are now at the palace but there is one way in and you have to be the ones to take it."

I wait for Aslan to continue. "The tunnel Mira used when she helped Ed escape", Eliza says from beside me. Aslan nods.

"But Mira is under a curse. She is wearing a necklace which not only stops her from using magic but also allows Jadis to control Mira", Aslan informs us.

"Can't we just take it off?" Lucy asks. I shake my head.

"I don't think it is that easy", I say looking to Aslan. "She has to do it herself, doesn't she?"

"I am afraid so." Aslan answers.

"But how will we break the curse?" Susan asks.

"We won't. Ed will", Eliza answers. We all look at her. "That is the answer to almost every curse. The one the cursed loves the most is the only one who can break the curse."

I nod. "So we make sure Ed can do it", I say.

"What about Jadis?" Lucy asks a little scared. I look at her. I have a plan which no one will like. Sighing I start telling them the plan.

Miranda's pov:-

After putting me in another cell Jadis left. I slumped to the ground. I have no strength left. Suddenly I hear a scream and my head shoots up. 'How much more does she want?'

After a few moments Jadis enters again. "I believe that you heard it." I only glare at her not answering her.

She chuckles before reaching towards me and tapping the necklace around my neck. It starts glowing red and I immediately understand what the necklace is.

"I won't lie it will hurt", Jadis says with a smirk. "A lot."

I feel it taking hold on me and start resisting it. "If you resist it's more painful." Jadis chuckles.

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