The Party

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Six months later-

Miranda's pov:-

We had received a messenger about three days ago from Peter and Eliza that the battle is won and they are coming back.

We had made preparations for a welcome back party. Ed and Lucy are making sure everything is ready while Susan and I are planning my wedding.

"So when do you want to tell them?" Susan asks after we finished planning for today.

"At the party", I answer. "And before you ask I have talked to Ed and he agreed with me."

Susan nods her head. "Sometimes it's boring that you can see our thoughts."

"I didn't need to see your thoughts to tell you were going to ask this question."

At this moment we hear the horns which signal that Peter and Eliza are back. Susan and I exchange a glance before going to the main door. Ed and Lucy are already there.

I go to stand beside Ed. He wraps his arm around my waist. We soon see Peter and Eliza riding up to us. As soon as they dismounted Lucy almost tackled Eliza to the ground while everyone laughs at her.

After letting go of Eliza, Lucy rushed to Peter but expecting her, Peter picks her up and hugs her. "You're no fun", Lucy complains breaking the hug and making us laugh again.

After Lucy stepped away, Ed, Susan and I stepped up to them. "So how did it go?" I ask Peter while hugging him.

"Thanks", he says. I give him a confused look. "For making me see the truth." I smile at him and step away.

"Let's go", Lucy says looking at Ed. "The party isn't going to be ready by itself."

Susan rolls her eyes. "The others can take care of it", Ed says while trying not to laugh at Lucy's expression.

She is pouting at Ed. I laugh and ruffle her hair. "Don't", Lucy says in a childish voice. This time everyone including Lucy laughs.

"Can anyone tell us about the party?" Eliza asks.

"The party is to welcome you both back home and to celebrate your victory", I explain.

"What is the surprise?" Peter asks.

"You do know the meaning of surprise, right?" Ed sasses.

"Worth a shot", Peter mutters.

"Why don't you two get some rest?" Susan suggests.

"Yes please", Eliza says.

They head up to their room while we go to have our breakfast. "We still need to confirm the date", Susan says after a while.

"We can do that tomorrow", Ed says clearly bored.

"But..." I don't let Susan finish getting bored myself. "Tomorrow Susan."

Susan looks between the two of us with a look of disbelief on her face. "Fine", she grumbles.

Elizabeth's pov:-

"Did they really have to arrange a welcome home party?" Peter complains lying down beside me.

"It is not exactly upto them", I answer while moving my fingers through his hair. "Besides did you have a better way to spend today?"

"Actually yes", he replies smirking. I raise an eye brow.

He takes my hand and brings it to his lips kissing it. He then moves his mouth across my wrist trailing kisses. My breath hitches in my throat.

I look down to see that his eyes are on my face. He starts to trail kisses up my arm. When he gets to my neck, he stops kissing and whispers, "Do you want me to stop?" His breath makes me shiver with pleasure.

I shake my head. I can feel his smirk as he keeps kissing me. He keeps moving against my jawline. I moan in pleasure. When he reaches my lips, we kiss each other and keep going for a long time.

Edmund's pov:-

"Are you nervous about this?" Mira asks rolling her eyes at me. I can hear the laughter in her voice.

"Well I never make speeches in front of crowds", I defend myself.

"How is making speeches tougher than fighting in a war?" She asks with disbelief in her voice.

"In a war I am terrified. Here I am nervous. There is a big difference", I argue back.

She rolls her eyes again. "I will be there with you", she reassures me.

"I know", I say. "And I will be with you always."

She smiles at this and leans over and kisses me. Suddenly someone knocks on the door and we jump away. Quickly straightening our dresses, Mira answers "Come in."

Lucy enters. "When will the two of you come down?" She asks in an exasperated voice.

"We didn't know it's time", I answer looking at Mira.

"If you two paid attention to the time instead of doing whatever you are doing you would have known", Lucy sasses.

"We are ready", Mira says before I can say something back.

We go downstairs and take our places on the thrones. As soon as we are seated, Susan stands up. "Thank you everyone for attending", Susan begins.

I tune Susan out and focus on what I am going to say. I feel someone take my hand and look up to see Mira holding my hand and smiling slightly at me.

"....And finally King Edmund and Princess Miranda have an announcement to make", Susan finishes.

Peter and Eliza give us quizzical looks while Susan and Lucy smile at us. I take a deep breath and stand with Mira. She gives my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Welcome everyone and thank you Susan for a very long speech", I say causing everyone present to chuckle. "Now as Susan said we have a very special announcement to make."

I stop to calm my nerves but luckily Mira picked up where I stopped so it wasn't awkward.

"King Edmund and I have agreed to get married and it will be in one month."

Everyone cheers at the news and Mira pulls me back to our seats muttering, "You need to learn how to speak."

After we seat down, Lucy stands up and announces that the party has started. Peter and Eliza lean over to us. "When?", is all Peter asks.

"The night of our anniversary", Mira answers.

"That was six months ago", Eliza says astonished.

"I know", Mira simply answers.

"How is your wedding in one month?" Peter asks.

"Because we have been planning it for six months now and the only thing left is choosing the date", I answer.

We spend a long time answers questions of Peter and Eliza and the Narnians. After what felt like eternity Mira and I finally got to be alone.

"Let's have a dance", I say.

"We are standing in the balcony", she answers.

I grab her hand and we start to sway with the music. I stare into her eyes. She is starting into my eyes too. We lean towards each other and just as our lips meet, Mira pulls back with a smirk.

I look at her questioningly. She is still smirking. She can't win thus game. I lean towards her and capturing her lips with mine. She tries to pull away again but I am holding her against me firmly by her back.

The next chapter will contain their wedding and a two day honeymoon.

Their troubles will start after that don't worry.

Until the next chapter let me know what you think about this one. And vote.

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