Let's Go Home

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Elizabeth's pov:-

We are getting ready to ride for Jadis' palace. I have taken care to strap my sword. I had used magic to get both my and Peter's swords from the house.

After getting ready we all meet in the throne room. Peter has his sword and shield. He wraps one arm around my waist when I stand beside him.

Susan has her bow and arrows. Lucy has her knife and cordial. I just hope we don't have to use it. Aslan enters last. "I will not be going with you."

At his words we all look at him surprised. "But why?" I ask.

"Because this is a fight which you have to win yourselves", Aslan pauses giving us a minute. We stare at each other before looking back at him. "By the time you get there I believe Edmund will have broken the curse."

We nod our heads. "You will be able to get inside without any trouble. Jadis, the hag and Ginarrbrik will be able to see you and so will Ed and Mira."

We listen carefully. "If Ed does break the curse then both of them will be in trouble", I say.

"Then we need to hurry", Peter speaks up. "Let's get our horses and set out."

We all nod and head to the stables and take our horses. The ride to the palace is quite. Once we see the palace we dismount. All of us are nervous.

"How are we going to get inside?" Susan asks.

"Aslan said no one would be able to see us. Atleast the guards won't", I say.

"So we march in through the front gate?" Lucy asks. I shrug.

"No we will use the tunnels. I don't want to take any chances", Peter answers.

We all look at each other and Peter and I step forward at the same time. Peter stops. "You know the place better than us."

I nod and lead them towards the stables. Before entering inside I look around to see guards stationed near the tunnel. I silently curse and back away gesturing for the others to do so as well.

"There are guards posted", I say once we are out of earshot.

"But Aslan said they can't see us", Susan says. Sometimes this girl gets on my nerves.

"But they can hear us and see the passageway open", Lucy speaks up. I nod. "So what now?" Peter asks after a moment.

"March in through the front gate", I say copying Lucy from earlier. She smiles a little at this. "But we need to very careful not to make a noise."

Everyone nods and we head for the gates. They are wide open. A minotaur stands guard. We slip past it quietly. Once inside I lead them to the throne room.

The hag suddenly enters the room and sees us immediately. Before she can snap her fingers Peter rushes at her and kills her.

"This way to the dungeons", I say indicating to the side tunnel. Before entering I hesitate looking at Susan and Lucy. Peter also seems to think the same thing.

"Susan why don't you and Lucy stay here and keep guard?" Peter says. Susan nods her head.

As I started to lead again Lucy stops me. "Wait take this." Saying this Lucy holds out her cordial. Peter and I exchange a look before he takes it.

We start heading down the tunnel. When we had gone about halfway we hear a scream. We freeze immediately. "Ed", Peter mutters.

Without a second thought we both strat running down the tunnel. When we are near enough to see through the door we see Jadis throwing a knife.

"No!" Both Peter and I shout at the same time.

Miranda's pov:-

I feel Ed look up and I see his eyes go wide. At the same time I hear two people shout "No". I had put up a shield behind me but I still turned around.

I see Jadis throw a knife at me. I immediately feel Ed pull me to the side. We both fall and the knife harmlessly passes us.

From this point I see Peter and Eliza outside. It doesn't take me a second to understand that they had shouted. Jadis turns around and sees them as well.

Ed and I have gotten up. I use magic to get both of our swords from wherever they are. All four of us have our swords drawn and Jadis has no weapon with her.

Peter and Ed both rush Jadis at the same time but she throws them both away with a flick of her hand. I make sure that neither of them are hurt before focussing on Jadis.

Instead of rushing her I decide to use magic. I use fireballs against her. She keeps dodging them but I can see that it is becoming difficult for her. Eliza also joins me and finally one ball hits her.

Ed has recovered by this time and grabbing his sword he approaches Jadis. The fireball that hit Jadis made her weak. She tried to flick her wrist at Ed but both Eliza and I sent another fireball at her and it hit her.

Ed looks over at me and I nod. He drives the sword through her heart. She let's out a scream before collapsing on the ground.

After being certain that she is dead Ed rushes over to us and hugs us both. Peter joins us as well and all four of us are hugging, a smile on all of our faces.

After some time I pull away. We break the hug the smile never leaving our faces. "The girls are waiting for us", Peter says.

"Susan is going to kill us", I say. Ed laughs and I join him. "Why?" Eliza asks with furrowed brows.

"Because we didn't tell her or Lucy before going after you two", Ed explains. They also start laughing.

We slowly start to make our way up the tunnel. Ed has one arm around me and the other around Peter. While I have one arm around Ed and the other around Eliza.

Before I have time to look around after getting out of the tunnel someone suddenly knocks into me and hugs me. Knowing it's Lucy I look down and hug her. Susan is hugging Ed. Both girls soon change places.

"Never do that again", Susan practically screams at me and Ed. Peter and Eliza start laughing while Ed and I try not to crack up.

"Just laugh if you want", Susan says clearly still mad.

"Don't worry we won't", Ed reassures her. I look at Ed the question clear in my eyes. 'Won't we?' Susan's expression is also like that but she let's it slide.

"Let's go home", Lucy says.

We all walk out of the palace and get on the horses. Ed and I double up again and so does Peter and Eliza.

Everyone is happy and are heading back to Cair Paravel. But they have forgotten about Ginarrbrik.

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