How Are You Feeling?

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Elizabeth's pov:-

Peter and I are getting ready for the welcome back party. "Do you really think that they are okay?" Peter suddenly asks.

I look at him. "Why do you ask?"

"Because I don't think they are. You talked to them so you will know", he answers.

I sigh. I don't want to lie to him so I guess I won't. "I am not sure. They seemed to be cheerful. I don't think they are alright. But they won't say it or let us see it either."

"I know." He sighs. "How about we go to this party and show them a good time and that we can be trusted. Maybe then they will", I say.

He nods his head. "Alright", he says simply.

We head downstairs to check if everything is ready.

Miranda's pov:-

I can tell that Ed is not feeling well even if he won't say anything. "Ed?" I say.


"If you don't want to then you don't have to go", I say. He looks up at me.

"No I will go", he says. "It doesn't matter how I feel."

"That's all that matters. They won't say anything if you don't attend. You have a very good reason not to."

He doesn't say anything for some time. "I know that they will understand but I don't want to worry my siblings and your sister."

I know that it is for that same reason that I am going. So I don't say anything else.

After getting ready we head downstairs. "How casual are we playing?" Ed asks as we near the throne room.

"Not very. We are still tired", I answer. "If that is okay with you." I quickly add.

"I think that will be perfect", he answers
"I don't want to stay very long."

"Works for me." Saying this I open the doors to the throne room and we enter. Everyone stops talking to look at us and we both put on our best smiles.

We walk to the thrones and see except Lucy everyone is seated. Eliza and I were made thrones soon after the Pevensies were crowned.

I take my seat and we see the party go on. "How are you two feeling?" Susan asks.

I quickly look at Ed's expression before answering. "We are feeling better now. Thanks for the party."

"Why are you thanking us?" Peter asks.

I look at Eliza with raised eyebrows. "I may have been thinking about it when I asked them about the party", Eliza says.

Peter rolls his eyes before smiling while Susan furrows her brows. "Where's Lucy?" Ed asks. I silently thank him for changing the subject.

"A faun asked her to a dance. She said yes", Susan answers.

"The same faun", Eliza adds.

We all laugh. "Eliza want to dance?" Peter asks extending his hand. Eliza takes it, obviously.

"That's the worst way to ask a girl to a dance", I say a little sassily. "Luckily you chose my sister and not me."

Susan and Ed laughs while Peter and Eliza walks away to dance as if not hearing what I said. A nymph walks up and asks Susan to a dance. After she leaves only Ed and I are left.

"I didn't know I can act that well", Ed says after a moment.

"I know you enjoyed the jokes. So it's not really acting is it?" I ask.

"Not that part", he simply answers.

"I think we have to dance as well or your siblings and my sister are going to get suspicious", I say after a moment.

"I don't want to dance", he answers.

"Then we won't", I say immediately.

"But you said we need to keep up appearances", he says a little surprised.

"I don't care about appearances. All I care about is if you are okay and I can clearly see that you are not", I say.

"You are not okay either. You said it yourself. You have gotten so good at hiding it that you have forgotten how to show that you also need someone."

I don't say anything. I know he is right but I don't know how to ask for it. "I don't know how to ask", I say after sometime.

"You don't have to ask. And if you have to then just ask it. Don't hesitate", he answers.

"Do you want to go somewhere quite?" I ask.

"The balcony will do", he answers.

We go to the balcony and stare out. "You know you can tell me anything right?" He asks.

"I have never done anything like this", I answer. "Just be a little patient."

"I can be patient for a thousand years", he says. I smile before beginning.

"I just can't help it but think that if I showed Jadis the right path then it wouldn't have happened. And at the same moment I know I shouldn't think like that."

He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me in close. "It's not your fault. And she gave you an impossible choice. And you made the right one. I promise."

I fight the tears. "I know it but my mind keeps wondering back to that moment the most."

"Stop. Why don't we just enjoy everything? Not acting as if we are enjoying it but actually enjoy it?"

"Sounds nice." He takes my hand in his and starts to dance with the music pulling me along with him. I laugh a little. A genuine laugh.

We keep dancing as the music changes and I do enjoy myself despite everything. The smile on Ed's face told me that he is also enjoying himself. After the last dance he pulls me close and kisses me. We keep kissing as long as possible without coming up for air.

After the party ends we head up to our room and change for bed. "Which one of us will wake up first do you think?" He asks in a joking voice.

I roll my eyes at him. "You do know it's not a joke right?"

"Doesn't mean I can't make a joke."

"Guess we will see then."

Ed and Mira will not ask for help from the others. But that doesn't mean they can't help themselves.

In the next chapter I will skip ahead a few years. A new problem will be there.

Until then let me know what you think and vote.

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