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Jimin pulled the Alpha closer to himself and that was enough for Taehyung's wolf to try to take control of Taehyung's mind yet again. But this time, Jimin and Jimin's Omega were also facing an inner conflict.
What am I doing...
Someone yelled from inside. My eyes widened. What is happening? Am I possessed. I heard someone sigh but it wasnot Taehyung..
'You really are a fool. Park Jimin, I am your own wolf. How can you not recognize me.. I am hurt'
And that's when I finally realized. Oh! My wolf! But.. why is he talking to me now? I communicated back to him. [Sentences in ''double quotes'' are Jimin's own thoughts and sentences in 'single quotes' are Jimin's wolf's thoughts]

"What happened? Are you uncomfortable?"
'You are seriously dumb. Now I am wondering whether you are the perfect example of beauty with no brains or not. Comeon! Why would I uncomfortable? It's your mate! It's our mate. Seriously don't be dumb. You yourself go around telling everyone that he is your Alpha. Then what happened now?'
''I-I.. uh"
I was at a loss of words. What am I supposed to tell him? I knew the day my heart started beating crazily that he was the one for me. But will he ever accept me? I know at the back of my mind that the answer is no but did having hope ever hurt someone? I guess even if it didn't, it will start to hurt for me.
He scented me. But is that enough for him to accept me? Maybe he even scented other Omegas. A shiver ran down my spine at the thought. Please. I hope that isn't true. Taehyung must have his own portion of the story. Maybe.. Maybe something happened in this childhood that led him to become this cold. Jin hyung described Taehyung's parents as sweet but firm. Maybe his relationship with his parents isn't that good. Maybe his relationship with Namjoon hyung isn't that good. No! That can't happen. If he didn't like Namjoon hyung then would he go to such lengths to cancel his marriage? I don't think so. Maybe.. he has some physical problems? Maybe-
I couldn't keep thinking about these things when my wolf growled again.
'Aish stop trying to put logic into everything. Did you try to use logic when you fell in love with him?'
"Uh.. No?"
'Exactly my point. Somethings don't require logic. Sometimes you just need to follow your own heart.'
I took some time to register what my wolf just told me. They are such valuable words. But can I really imply it with this Alpha who even refuses to listen to his own wolf? I remember the time during Yoonkook's wedding when his wolf told my wolf that I was his.
My eyes visibly widened as Jimin pulled me closer. Something is wrong with me and I am sure of it but is something wrong with him too? No please no. I sighed as my wolf started growling again. I paid no heed to him. I won't let him take control. I am not sure how far he will go if I trust him and give him control. It's true. I have no intention of making Jimin my mate. I have absolutely no intention of having anyone as my mate. But also. If I were to have a mate, who would it be? The princess of Ilsan? The princess of India? The prince of France? The prince of Tokyo? Or The most gorgeous prince of Busan? The answer was clear in the back of my mind. Jimin Park. The craziest Omega anyone will ever meet. He was so gorgeous that he made me question whether he was a human or a God. I don't know what happened to me last day. I acted so indifferently. What is it to me if Jimin gets married to someone else? And this time I very well know my own self. I am not concerned about Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung anymore. This time I am more worried about.. him, the person I shouldn't be concerned about. I don't know what I am thinking.
This feeling is so weird. It's like wanting to live and die at the same time. Like taking a dare to run over the sharpest blades, like the moment you know you are too deep in the fiery feeling and the only way to put your mind at ease is to accept your feelings. Like the moment when all the adrenaline rushes and the fast beatings of your heart start to make sense. Realization dawns on me. I know the answer to this question in the back of my mind, but I don't think it is correct.
Am I falling for Jimin?
Oh hell, I think I am.
My cheeks heat up, something I have been experiencing lately when I think of Jimin. I remember some lines of the book I have been reading, "And the moment you accept those feelings, those good feelings you will attain peace of mind. Love is surely a painful thing to talk about, but those who have fallen in love are sure that this fall was the best fall they experienced in their life. And even if you fall out of love with your significant someone, the cherished memories that will linger will provide you with eternal happiness and joy. So don't be cold in the field of love. Learn to accept love people give you and learn to love the people who love you.
You will understand that you have started loving them when you realize that you can't live without them. You can't imagine a life without them. Morning, noon and night you love them. You fall for them more and more than you can imagine. And my dear readers, the thought that Falling in Love has a particular time isn't right. Anyone can fall in love at anytime. Our heart isn't logical. It's works on emotions. And the best we can do is to accept our own emotions and show them."

I hope you all are enjoying the story. And this last part, it's from my very own book, 'Everything about Falling in Love'. If you guys want I will publish it on Wattpad. And I received all those messages asking about me and the person I love. As I am in a good mood,
I am going to answer some of your questions.
1> Where do you live?
- Wishing to Keep it Secret land!
2> Your major?
- Still in school but my stream is Computer Science
3> The person you love is a girl?
- 😒why are you so interested in my personal life? I can love whoever I want to
4> Age?
- Ok I will tell you this. I am 16 😉
5> Siblings?
- Nope! Only cousins! All cousins are guys. No sis in the family 😭
6> Got any gf?
-Nope. Single Pringle cause the person I love ghosts me
7>Initial of your partner?
-(I love it when you guys ask like- partner, instead of gf/bf)
'A'- first letter of their name
'M' - First letter of their title
8> From when are you a writer?
- me? Long ago. Like from the pandemic period. 2020.
9> When is your new book coming?
- It's published now! You can check it out on my account now!
10> Are your parents toxic?
- *sighs* Too personal a question but yes they are..
11> Mental health condition?
- good *coughs* depression *coughs* amnesia *coughs* insomnia *coughs* trauma *coughs* adhd
12> You love?
- A.M ❤️💍 gonna marry them when I meet them.
13> Your dreams?
- become a published author
14> Your real name?
- 😒 can't reveal that but you can call me 'Adrian Valentino'.😉

Taming my Dear Alpha||𝐕𝐌𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍-1Where stories live. Discover now