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Both the conflicted wolves stared at each other. They maintained their eye contact. Jimin's cocoa brown eyes and
Taehyung's fiery red ones stared at each other. It was like sparks were flying between them. It all felt giddy to the Omega. It all felt like a daydream, something which ends too soon and leaves the people begging for more. Jimin wasn't sure what was happening. An hour ago he was lying on his bed, thinking about his mom and dad, and now suddenly out of the blue, the Alpha he loved and adored so much had turned up to his room, pinning him to the wall and just staring at him.
And Taehyung did exactly that. He just kept staring at Jimin, like he was a god, like he was an angel who needed to be worshipped, like he was such a meal. Jimin blushed under the Alpha's gaze but it didn't seem to falter. He just kept staring and staring at him. Taehyung was thinking of so many things. Finally he gave in. He lowered his head and placed it on Jimin's neck, directly at his scent gland. Jimin didn't flinch and Taehyung's wolf growled in joy at the action. Taehyung moved his head deeper into Jimin's scent gland. The honey rose smell had become sweeter than the last time Taehyung had scented him. Jimin's heart beat increased ten folds. It was like his heart was running a marathon. His eyes widened when he felt the Alpha lick at his scent gland. No no. Only scenting was fine. But now Jimin felt as if The Alpha was going to mate him then and there. He couldn't wait anymore till Namjoon's marriage. But it was a royal rule. Not that it couldnot be broken but at the least they still had to be married before mating. Even though Jimin's heart was yearning for something else, Jimin croaked out, "Uh uh, Tae.. We aren't married yet". The Alpha seemed to stop his actions. He didn't lick Jimin's neck anymore. He just held Jimin in his embrace. Jimin felt warm and homely in Taehyung's embrace. He swore if he was a cat he would have purred then.
After a long ten minutes, the Alpha let go of Jimin. His eyes were sad as he moved away. He looked at Jimin as the actual reason why he was here came into his mind.
He needed to tell Jimin that The Queen had himself fixed his marriage with Namjoon, again.
Taehyung sighed,"Don't panic and first listen to me.. The Queen of Daegu, My mother, whom you have supposedly met somewhere, has again arranged your marriage to.. Namjoon hyung. I kidnapped you last time from Busan. I cannot repeat my tricks this time. I don't know what to do. To ensure you won't get scared or run away.. my mother will inform you a day before the marriage.. Prepare yourself."
And Jimin's world came crashing down. He ran away from his own home, the place he grew up in, the place where he spent his whole life just to get caught up in that situation again. Wow. His life must be so painful. Maybe God only wrote pain and suffering for him. Jimin stared at Taehyung with his mouth agape. He couldn't help but wonder, Why was the Alpha so calm? Will he just let his brother marry him? Jimin couldn't swallow it. He was left in his misery when Taehyung abruptly left.
It was like the universe didn't want Jimin to be happy. When he had finally swallowed that he was again supposedly getting married to Namjoon, another shocking truth came to him. Taehyung loved another Omega? Oh so things did make sense now. That's why he didn't oppose Jimin's marriage. Oh foolish Jimin! Only if he knew how hard Taehyung had tried to avert his mother's mind. But alas! Everything was in vain. Jeonghan was set on making the Omega his son-in-law.
Last night, Jimin had walked in on Sunoo and Jackson discussing how Taehyung loved Yoongi. Taehyung's demeanor was cold from childhood. Yes, for no specific reason. He didn't like physical touches much and only talked when it meant business. But when he was 14, things changed. Yoongi came into his life. Yoongi was so nice to Taehyung that Taehyung started believing that he loved him, that his wolf believed that Yoongi was his mate. He was under that stupid thought until he turned 22. That's when he met Jimin. He didn't like Jimin's bright and bubbly personality. He thought that Jimin was childish. But soon he started to realize his growing feelings for Jimin. At this point, another event made him realize his own feelings, and that was Yoonkook's wedding. Taehyung had known about Yoongi and Jungkook's relationship since he was 17 but he couldn't bring himself to stop loving Yoongi. Finally when he felt absolutely nothing for Yoongi, except friendly feelings he realized his own romantic feelings for that childish Omega who told everyone that Taehyung was his mate.
It was not until the declaration of Jimin's wedding, or , Chim's wedding according to Jeonghan, with Namjoon, that Taehyung gave some importance to his feelings. He tried whatver he could to change his mother's mind but alas! He was in vain. The next step was convincing Namjoon who also disappointed him by saying,"As long as mother and father our happy I don't really care, Tae. I know Jin is going to be so heartbroken but I can't do anything. The marriage preparations have already begun. I can't really do anything".
Now Taehyung's only hope was none other than........... Kim Seokjin himself.
Hey guys! Hope you are enjoying! Check out spoilers on this story and other on my Instagram account:
Answering another set of your queries>>>
1> Your zodiac?
-Me? Haha! Gemini baby 💅
2> Milk or Honey?
-Uh. Honey I guess.
3> Sweet or Spicy in two meanings 😳🙂😉
- 🥴😏Spicy for both the cases even though a little sweet doesn't hurt.
4> Got your V-Card?
-Obviously duh.
5> Ever done 😳 with a boy?
- Wtf. No.
And that's it. Keep sending me questions you want me to answer! I read all your messages!

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