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Taehyung groaned in his half asleep- half awake state as he found something soft and fluffy brushing against his cheek. He felt tickled and intrigued by it. He wanted to know what it was. He opened his eyes.
Shit. He forgot to close the curtains last night. But wait. It was not morning yet. Taehyung opened his eyes and rubbed them, noticing it was still as dark as ever outside. He looked at pendulum wall clock which just struck 3: 30 am. They went to sleep quite early and Taehyung was a light sleeper who also had insomnia to tag along with it. He looked down and finally noticed. That soft and fluffy thing was nothing other than Jimin's hair. Jimin was hugging Taehyung tightly as he occasionally muttered, "M-My T-Teddy". Taehyung now seriously wondered if Jimin had a Teddy back home. He remembered Jackson telling him something about Jimin asking for a Teddy Bear but they never got the chance to go to any soft toys store to get that for Jimin. Taehyung considered getting Jimin a Teddy bear. Taehyung was thinking about that when suddenly, Jimin started whimpering. Tears dropped from his eyes as he tightly clutched Taehyung's shirt. Taehyung's eyes widened at what he heard next. "P-Please.. N-N-No.. G-Grandma G-Grandpa.. N-No d-d-dont k-k-k-kill them. P-Please.." Jimin cried. Taehyung was shocked to the core. Jimin's grandparents? He never heard of Busan's previous King and Queen. Busan was a new kingdom and Taehyung only knew that Jimin's great grandparents had fought a terrible war to win the kingdom.
Taehyung snapped back into reality when Jimin screamed and cried again. Taehyung gently placed his hand on Jimin's cheek, wiping his tears off, but it was of no use as fresh tears kept rolling down. He tapped Jimin's cheek muttering loudly,"Jimin! Jimin! You need to wake up, darling. Jimin! Princess Jimin! Kim Jimin! "
And soon Jimin opened his eyes, gasping for air. Taehyung helped him to sit down as he held him in his embrace lightly. Jimin finally calmed down after a good five minutes. He looked at Taehyung who gave him a worried glance. So it wasn't only a sweet dream? Jimin was really married to Taehyung now? Jimin couldn't take it anymore. With some dark secrets buried deep in his heart and recent stress about the things happening Jimin couldn't take it anymore. He simply passed out in Taehyung's arms.
Taehyung sighed looking at the person in his arms. He felt something was wrong with Jimin but he couldn't quite put a finger on it. He bit his lip. To see he knew absolutely nothing about Jimin. His impression of Jimin was that he was the only Omega who managed to tolerate his attitude and cold behavior and still kept courting him even though he made it crystal clear to him a million times that he wouldnot marry him. But look at him now! He manipulated everyone, even his own brother and mother so that he could marry Jimin. What a fool he had become in love!
Taehyung chuckled as he hugged his husband. He was still not clear about his feelings.
Did he love Jimin?
Or is it just a mere attraction?
Was he falling for Jimin?
Would he ever accept Jimin?
And finally the thought which was going on in his mind for the last few days
Will he ever mate Jimin?
Taehyung was unsure of what to do.

Taehyung was awakened by a knock on his room door followed by an impatient voice calling out to him,"Kim Taehyung! You better be awake! Open the door!"
Taehyung sighed realizing it was no one other than his mother. No one in the palace was this impatient except Jeonghan. Taehyung groaned as he stepped out of bed, removing Jimin from his body. He opened the door to be met with his mother. He was standing outside with a tight lipped smile and a cup of tea in his hands. He handed the cup to Taehyung as he snorted,"It's not for you! It's for your mate, the kingdom's new princess! The way you made him scream! Ah! I thought about coming and giving you a scolding then and there at 3:30 in the morning!" Taehyung's eyes widened as he listened to the false accusation of his mother. "W-What! Me? No no way! It's not what it looks like-" He tried explaining but his mother cut him off,"Son,I was in the same position some years ago. I know everything. No need to try to cover it up." And then he walked off leaving Taehyung with the cup of chamomile tea. Taehyung sighed, irritated and annoyed, and muttered to himself,"Damn. Getting blamed for something I didn't even do. Just great.. sheesh." He closed the door after him and put the tea on the little table beside the large bed. He gently shook Jimin. But he was surprised when Jimin just turned around to the other side and continued sleeping like Taehyung just didn't call him. Taehyung wasn't used to being affectionate. All this 'falling in love' and stuff was new to him. He sighed before he got on the bed again. He held Jimin in place as he bent down to his ear and whispered,"My dearest princess, mind waking up from this slumber? Your in-laws are quite impatient to meet you and know you."
And that did the magic! Jimin jolted up hearing that, hitting Taehyung's nose with his head in the process. Taehyung retreated groaning as he held his nose. It was painful but atleast Jimin woke up. Jimin looked around the room and then finally at Taehyung with a confused look on his face as he asked,"Did you kidnap me again? Where am I now?" Now it was time for Taehyung to be in shock. His mouth fell open as he stared at Jimin dumbfounded. "What do you mean, Omega? If you don't remember let me remind you. We are married and mates stay together. You are a part of the Royal Daegu family now. You are the youngest princess, Omega of the youngest prince. Do you understand?" Taehyung explained with a harsh glare. Jimin broke out into laughter as soon as he heard Taehyung. A crimson blush appeared on his cheeks as he listened to Taehyung. He got up from the bed and neared Taehyung with a teasing smile. "My! My! I am your mate? I just needed that confirmation!" Jimin replied with a cheeky smile. Taehyung finally understood Jimin's sneaky plan and he growled,"Comeon stop laughing now! Get ready! Mom and dad are already waiting for us!" And Taehyung walked off to his closet to pick out his clothes and that's when Jimin finally realized. He didn't bring his clothes. The exact 'Oh fuck' situation. He followed Taehyung and stood with a cute pout on his lips behind him. The Alpha sensed his mate's luscious smell and held his wolf from growling. He continued picking his outfit for the day but the Omega kept standing behind him. He finally turned around and that's when he noticed how close the Omega was to him. Jimin didn't expect Taehyung to turn around and when he unexpectedly did, he tried to back away but was terribly in vain when his left foot collided with his right foot and he fell backwards. And as they say 'reflex action can be very useful sometimes'. Taehyung quickly caught Jimin's waist before he fell down. Both the wolves stared at each other with Taehyung's tall frame hovering above Jimin.
"What did you want?" Taehyung asked. Jimin barely found his voice in him as he stuttered, looking at Taehyung's arm holding his waist,"Uh.. C-Clothes.."
A Cliffhanger? Not quite! A little romance for our main couple! Stan VMin for good luck ✨️😉
Oh! And some of you were asking about my brother's wedding. So let me tell you about it!
It went amazing! Even though I don't like my sister-in-law that much, the wedding was awesome! It took place in Jeju Island as you guys know and an interesting incident happened on the wedding night🙈😆
I and one of my distant cousin(a guy) were sharing a room. The party went on all night and we literally have so many people in our family that we had to book two resorts completely. The elders had already gone away and we,the ''kids'' kept partying till 3 in the morning. Then when we finally reached our resort and went to our designated rooms.. You won't believe it!!! So my cousin's name is Ryan. Yes Ryan. I don't know why but many people have trauma related with this name. Me and Ryan had just finished sharing all the photos we took when we heard..
We are literally 16 and 17 and we had to witness that. Then later we found out it wasnot the newlyweds 🤪😵‍💫🙊.. it was actually.. my brother's room.. and he was sharing it with his.. boyfriend.. 🙈😵‍💫🙂
Mannn I was traumatizeddd. But then later when I thought about all of this. It gave me a nice plot idea!
So thank you to my brother, Tristan and his boyfriend, Dylan.
[Yes guys. Tristan 🙂]

Taming my Dear Alpha||𝐕𝐌𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍-1Where stories live. Discover now