chapter one

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I look out of the window in our room. It's a rather cold day, regarding the white, tiny snowflakes falling down from the sky. I'm sitting on the window ledge, like I do everyday. I mostly just sit here and watch the people walk by. There's not much people walking by though. Only some of the victors and sometimes some kids. 
"What are you looking at?" I hear a deep voice asking. I look to where the voice came from, to see Cato standing in the door. He's leaning against the door frame, with his hands holding the top. His muscles are perfectly visible, with the black shirt he's wearing.
"Now you" I say smiling. He slowly walks over to me and hugs me from behind. He places a gentle kiss on my neck.
"They're coming over in an hour" he says, grabbing my hands with his. He continues placing gentle kisses along my neck.
"I know" I say, and chuckle.
"We would have enought time" he says. I can hear the smirk he has on his face.
"No, we don't. We need to get everything ready and we both need to take a shower before they come over" I say.
"We could shower together" he says. I turn around to see him looking at me with a wide grin.
"No, it's going to take too long" I say, and watch as he pushes his under lip forward.
"Stop it" I say laughing, and playfully slap his shoulder.
"Okay," he says in a sad tone.
He walks out of the room again, leaving me alone in here. It's been great living with him actually. I always have someone to talk to and who comforts me. Obviously I do the same for him. Sometimes we wake up at night because the other has one of these awfull nightmares again. He mostly dreams about his encounter with the mutts. I mean, how couldn't he. He has a long scar down his spine and a few others on the rest of his body. He even has one on his face, right above his eyebrow. It makes him look a little more badass now. At least, that's what he said. 

I frown before I stand up. I'm not very excited for dinner tonight. My mother and brother come over, along with Cato's dad. Cole has been living with us since we've come back. I mean, Cato is nineteen now and I'm eighteen, so it's oficially legal to have him live with us if he wants to. My brother lives with my mother in the house next door. He does come over a lot though, to spend time with us or Cole, or just to get away from my mother for some time. She can be quite a handful sometimes. 
I take a few clothes out, before I walk into the bathroom. My hair is now a little shorter. I've decided that it's time to cut it. I've always had long, curly hair. Now I mostly cut it to my shoulders. My waves are now more definitive. 
I undress myself and step into the shower. The warm water hugs my skin perfectly, as I let my thoughts wander off.

Cato and I are very serious about our relationship. We're basically like an old, married couple now. I like the way we are. It gives me comfort and safety because I know he won't leave me. He would never. He's basically dependent from me now. Not that I would complain about it. I wish things could stay like this forever. Maybe they can but I think that it's going to take a dark turn soon. I have this weird feeling in my stomach, since I've heard from the rebellions. Mostly it's about Katniss, but also about Cato and me. They took Cato's speech as an attack to the Capitol. The same for Katniss and Peeta with the berries. And do not get me speaking off my victory tour speeches last year. Snow didn't like that at all. He's definitely going to do something about it, I know it. 

I step out of the shower and dry myself off, before getting dressed again. I've decided to wear a short skirt and a baby blue blouse. To top everything off. I'm wearing a white alice band. My makeup is very simple and not much. I still don't like to wear it. 

Cato's already waiting for me, when I step out of the shower.
"You look gorgeous" he says, pulling me closer by my waist.
"Thank you" I say, with a smile on my face.
He's wearing some dark pants, along with a black shirt. His hair is in a middle part, dangling down each side of his head. He's been letting it grow since the games. They almost reach his ears now. I must say, I really like the new Cato. 
"You look handsome" I say, and he chuckles.
"I know, tell me something new" he says, and we both laugh.
"Did you prepare everything?" I ask him.
"Yes. Dinner is basically cooked and everything should be ready" he says.
"Great" I say, before walking down the stairs.

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