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"really, i hate these guys," your best friend yumeko grumbles, shaking her head in exasperation.

it's clear which boys she means; nagi seishiro and mikage reo.

the two bad boys of the school — everyone knows them, everyone loves them.

there are only a few exceptions who detest the boys; you, yumeko, her brother rensuke, and maybe 10-20 others from school.

almost every one of the girls has a crush on one of them, well or both. they know they don't stand a chance, or most of them do, but they still run after the clearly attractive boys.

"just don't bother with them" you mean not interested.

today, it's like this.

at that time, you were head over heels in love with reo. yumeko advised you against it all the time, but as if you would listen to her.

not when you dreamed so much of being the one to change him.

unfortunately, it didn't work out the way you planned. he had laughed at you then and told every one of his friends about your confession and you still can't look him in the eye to this day — not only because you're so incredibly ashamed, but also because he broke your heart and because of him you stopped believing in the feeling of love.

you hate his guts, but still have to see him every day.

the good thing is that after two weeks he had left you alone and now he doesn't pay any attention to you, probably has no idea who you are and what you have done.

but what counts is that you still know and haven't forgotten, right?

and even if you think he doesn't pay attention to you, this is not true.

he knew it was shitty of him, but that was who he was, he had an image to uphold, too, after all.

though reo is not the biggest asshole in school.

you're yet to meet the biggest asshole; he'll change your mind about a lot of things, make you make mistakes, and slowly but surely make you dependent on him until he has you where he wants you, totally wrapped around his finger.

nagi seishiro will be in your dreams many times, whether they will only be nice dreams remains to be seen.

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