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your eyes are red as you head off to school on tuesday morning. when you woke up yesterday and seishiro wasn't lying next to you, as you had expected, tears immediately came to your eyes.

it's not exactly that you regretted it, but at the same time it feels so wrong and you know that you were just a number.

anyway, that's what you think.

you haven't told anyone about it yet and to be honest you don't want to. with yoichi you also talk about your secrets, but never about such topics. your parents are excluded and yumeko will tear your head off if she finds out what you did.

so you don't tell anyone.

you have a funny feeling in your stomach, like you're about to throw up, when you arrive at school. you're here early today, which means that yumeko isn't here yet and won't be for about twenty minutes.

the first students escape you, and even though you're probably imagining it, you have the feeling that they're looking at you strangely or even amused. looking down you pull the hood of your sweat jacket over your head so you can escape their stares, and keep walking.

when you get to your hallway, it's still almost empty and the classrooms are still locked, so you go to your locker and take out a few things for the next few hours. you take your time, so slowly more and more people come and seishiro + reo enter the building.

strange, otherwise they still smoke until the bell rings or afterwards. even though you would like to look at him, you look into your locker again and hide behind its door, but the white haired is not stupid and knows that it's you who is trying to hide there.

you should have known that he has his locker just a few rows from you and knows which one is yours.

a grin forms on his face — it's funny to see him grinning in the morning, since he's usually in a bad mood and almost everyone avoids him in the morning so as not to irritate him.

slowly he starts moving and heads straight for you. some students watch curiously, others of the more popular variety stifle their laughter as they all know of seishiro's plan.

it's not for nothing that there's a group where only the most popular students are in. he has arrived at your place and stands behind the door of your compartment so that you can't see him.

closing your the door you look directly into the handsome, grinning face of seishiro, who is standing casually leaning there. in shock, you almost drop your books, which you then stop with what i'm sure is a great-looking move.


seishiro laughs a bit and takes a few of your books from you in the next moment. secretly, he wonders why you would do such a thing to yourself and carry so many books at once, but somehow he doesn't really care.

it's your own fault.

he quickly notices your shocked expression and knows immediately that you're surprised that he is with you — he doesn't normally do that and you know that only too well.

"what's up, babe?" he asks you and you can clearly hear the teasing undertone, but you're still too shocked that he's really standing in front of you.

after he had something with one of the girls from school or elsewhere, he never looks at them again; addressing even less. he can't have one of those worthless bitches thinking she has a chance with him, nagi seishiro.

you open your mouth, only to close it again afterwards, because you simply don't have the words.

"what's wrong, princess? do i look so good today that you're speechless, or are you thinking about our special night?" he softens a bit towards the end, his voice taking on a deeper and hotter tone.

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