on dokuz

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"oho, the little protector of y/n is back." seishiro turns to yumeko, who is being held by the white haired's friend. "aren't you still mad at her for like, uh, oh yeah, fucking me behind your back because you'd rather be in her place? surely we can do something about that."

you see exactly how your best friend presses her jaws together and clenches her hands at her sides into fists.

she has always done that when she was about to burst. furiously, she stomps towards him before her hand lies powerfully on seishiro's cheek.

startled, you hold your hand in front of your mouth, would not have expected that.

seishiro's head is tilted to the side, but the small laugh that leaves his mouth reveals how angry he is. slowly, he turns his head back to yumeko, and never before have you seen him so angry — it scares you, and you fear that he might do something he will regret.

"did you seriously just hit me?" he whispers threateningly, but your best friend only crosses her arms and returns his gaze.

"i already knew you were stupid, but that question just proved it" she says, and then everything happens quickly.

seishiro shoves yumeko, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground. she immediately gets up to fight back, but someone else intervenes.

"that's enough. we don't hurt girls. at least not physically, understand?," reo growls and roughly pushes his best friend away. "you know what? i'm sick of this. y/n is right, you're ridiculous seishiro. what you're doing is stupid and childish. we're not five anymore, grow the fuck up. i'm sick of this shit," the purple haired gets louder and the next moment he pulls a cigarette out of his jacket pocket + storms outside.

seishiro stands there perplexed.

did his best friend really just turn on him?

"what are you looking at? piss off" he yells at a few students who have witnessed the whole situation.

they quickly run away, not wanting to get in the way of an angry nagi seishiro.

"i'm sorry. i should have believed you and not betrayed you like that," you mumble, suddenly feel incredibly ashamed.

you don't want to and can't believe that you got involved with seishiro like that.

smiling, yumeko puts an arm around you. "well, you should have," she laughs, but then becomes serious again. "i'm not mad at you. well, maybe a little, but i didn't want to see you suffer when you finally figured it out. you know i can't stand it when you don't feel well," she says, and you nod in understanding.

"i'm glad we got that straightened out. i couldn't have lasted another day without you."


"hey" mai says, greeting you with a warm hug. you realize that she's putting on extra pressure to silently tell you that she's there for you, rather than saying it out loud. hyoma smiles at you, seemingly very happy that you actually came.

"sit down" meguru, nice as he is, pulls a chair back so you can sit down.

smiling at him you mumble a small thank you.

you're glad they're all talking normally, as if none of this had happened. you laugh and talk lightheartedly about various topics until a shadow casts itself over you.

"uh, hey," reo looks nervously around the room and conspicuously counters yumeko's look. "do you guys mind if i join you?"

it's silent for a moment until your best friend nods silently to the chair next to her and reo, clearly relieved, walks up to it and sits down.

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