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"y/n" yells your cousin yoichi, who is only a year older than you, but sometimes still acts like he's five.

once again you went to his place after school, well you're kind of neighbors and when your parents are at work you go to his place in between to eat something and hang out with him a bit.

theoretically yoichi isn't your cousin either, he's like your brother. you've been inseparable since you were little and have always been there for each other.

who would have thought that he would be one of the causes of your suffering?

"yoichi, you're crushing me" you laugh, and immediately he lets go of you.

let's put it this way — he is a total sweetheart to you and his parents, but in his school he's also a little bad boy and womanizer. still, he's miles away from being like seishiro or even reo, which you're really glad about.

a cousin who is like those two would be cruel.

although you had no idea how seishiro or reo were to their family, right?

"sorry y/n, but i really missed you and have so much to tell you" he says way too enthusiastically, with a somewhat funny smile, which means you can't discuss this together with his mother.

"hello y/n, how are you?" your aunt asks, pressing a kiss on the top of your head.

"so far so good, aunt iyo."

immediately after the little conversation with her, yoichi pulls you up the stairs into his room. you almost stumbled, but managed to catch yourself just in time.

"you're going to have to tell me a good story now, so you don't smile at me for nothing and drag me up the stairs so fast that i almost mewled" you grumble, and your cousin immediately winks at you, which makes you roll your eyes.

"well, i've met two guys. or rather, we became friends at a party on saturday and these guys are throwing a party this saturday," he says enthusiastically, wiggles his eyebrows.

"okay, and what's so special about that now? i mean, you meet new people almost all the time," you laugh immediately get an annoyed look from him.

"man, y/n! i'm talking about you coming along. what else, dumbass."

a bit puzzled, you look at him. "why on earth were you invited? i'm invited?" you ask suspiciously, since yoichi likes to joke around and you don't go to parties very often.

and who would invite you?

it's not just that you don't go to parties often because you don't like them, it's that you don't get invited.

"yeah, he said i could take you," your cousin shrugs disinterestedly, preferring to focus on any instagram posts of girls from his school.

you grimace in disgust and stand up, really don't want to do anything like that.

"where are you going?" he asks, without really looking up from his phone.

without another word, you grab your jacket and backpack and with one last look at yoichi, you walk out the door, can't help leaving without a last word. "see you around," you say, closing the door to his room behind you and slowly making your way down the stairs this time.

you really don't feel like almost flying there again.

since your aunt is nowhere to be found, you just go home and are kind of glad to finally be there. your parents aren't here yet, but they will be soon so until then, you plan to study for math, just as yumeko "ordered" you to do.

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