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you really can't believe you're doing this right now. seishiro wasn't lying and really did call you, only to tell you that he wanted to meet you, needed to see you. you can't deny it, and you're happy that he wants to see you so badly, but you also don't feel quite so good about it.

it's already after 9 p.m. and your parents are really strict when you want to go out again in the evening, especially when it's dark + with a boy.

"i'll be right back. yumeko is heartbroken and her brother rensuke is not at home to comfort her, so it's my duty to go to her" you try to persuade your parents.

just this statement and a puppy dog look are enough and your parents give in. they trust you, as well as yumeko, whom they also already see as a second daughter.

you have never lied to your parents and they believe that this would not happen so quickly, especially about something that is really important to them.

oh how wrong they are.

"please take care of yourself," your mother says — nodding you pull the door shut behind you. taking a deep breath, you leave, walking to the meeting place where seishiro will pick you up.

you can see him from afar; he stands leaning against his motorcycle, a cigarette in one hand, the other in the pocket of his black leather jacket. his hair looks good, even though it's already later in the evening, and he looks just incredibly hot.

your stomach starts to tingle as he catches sight of you and grins at you. when you get close enough to him, he throws his cigarette on the floor before stomping it out and holding his hand out to you.

slightly shy, you take his hand and gasp in shock as he suddenly pulls you somewhat roughly against his chest. immediately, his sweet smell hits your nose and once again you are befuddled.

your fingers almost immediately grab his jacket and his arms slide around your waist before he puts his head in the crook of your neck and breathes in your scent. you grab his jacket a little tighter when he suddenly brushes your hair aside and then his face touches your skin on your neck and spreads a little kiss on it.

"i missed you, baby" he mumbles, squeezing you tighter, if that's even possible.

"i missed you too" you don't hesitate for long and return his confession.

a little longer and he lets go of you. you would have preferred to pull him back, but that seems a bit too much.

"let's go" he hands you the second helmet, which is lying on his bike.

a bit uncertainly you take it, which seishiro recognizes immediately and chuckles a bit. "don't worry, i'll go fast, but carefully" he tries to reassure you, failing miserably.

nervously you laugh and let him help you put on your helmet. shortly after, he gets on and then looks at you, so you slowly walk towards the bike and get on.

you make yourself a little comfortable and then carefully put your arms around him, but immediately he presses them tighter against him. "if you want to stay safe on the back, you'll have to hold on tight, y/n" he then drives off.

it's strange at first, even though he's not going that fast yet, but you soon get used to the new feeling and really enjoy it.

not long and you arrive in a somewhat remote area, which is a little outside the city. seishiro parks his motorcycle at an indentation in the road and only when you take off your helmet, you see the beautiful view of the city.

"do you like it?" asks seishiro, smiling a little, maybe genuinely; this place is special to him.

many times he has been there, but never with anyone. he himself doesn't really know why he took you, of all people.

playboy, nagi seishiro ✓Where stories live. Discover now