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"you look tired. when did you sleep again?" yumeko's horrified voice brings you out of your half-sleep.

"huh?" you close your eyes again, don't care that you're standing at your locker trying to sleep standing up.

"y/n, damn it! i asked when you slept!" your impatient best friend grumbles at you and immediately your arms shoot up.

"calm down. i think i went to bed around 3 o'clock," you shrug your shoulders indifferently, even though you know that it's your own fault that you're so tired now.

but the series you were watching was just too exciting, so you just couldn't stop, until at some point your eyes kept falling shut and you finally decided to go to sleep.

yumeko shakes her head. she was always like that, always trying to take care of you, to help you or to worry too much about you in between.

"jeez, you better not stay up this late again today! tomorrow is the math exam and you have to be fit and well rested" she behaves almost like your mother.

inwardly you roll your eyes, don't dare to do it outwardly. "yeah, yeah, mom" you mumble, which your best friend luckily doesn't hear.

actually, you two are like sisters. you've been inseparable since kindergarten, and nothing or no one has ever come between you.

maybe you were just born to be there for each other, right?

"tsk, look who's here," a voice comes up behind you, although you know right away that you're not being addressed.

still, your gaze slides to the ground, lest you draw reo's attention, after all. ever since you confessed your feelings to him and he almost embarrassed you all over school, you just can't face him.

maybe you're just afraid that he will embarrass + hurt you again. you may think you're hardened and don't need anyone to love you or that you love, but deep down you know you're still just as weak as you were then.

basically, you're just over reo.

you can't tell what would have happened if you had kept your feelings to yourself.

would you still be in love with him?

"why are you ignoring me, yumeko?" reo asks, amused, though you can still hear some disappointment in his voice.

how long has this guy been trying to get to your best friend?

for one night, maybe two or three, that's all.

but what can you say, yumeko is just a beautiful girl.

"get lost reo" she says coldly while you can see she is totally unnerved by this guy.

"why? because you have a secret boyfriend or because you're scared to meet someone like me?" he asks, a mischievous grin on his face.

"the second, only i'm not scared, i'm not up for it" she says, trying to run away from the boy, as usual.

but reo is getting more and more impatient.

he and seishiro always get what they want and they hate it when it's not like that.

"reo, let it go," suddenly says another voice that couldn't sound more bored.

a cold shiver goes down your spine; his voice sounds so incredibly bored, yet just as beautiful and soothing, even though it contains no emotion whatsoever. you've always liked his voice somehow, only unfortunately you don't like the boy to whom this divine voice belongs.

maybe you hate seishiro even more than reo.

simply because he is much worse than his best friend is.

very soon, you'll know how bad.

"come on, stay out of it, bro," reo says, but seishiro is adamant.

"since when do we beg girls for anything?" he sneers, shaking his head in disappointment at his best friend's behavior.

he gets ready to move on, when suddenly his gray, beautiful eyes are on you. a mischievous grin is drawn on his features and you already feel very small.

all the other girls would probably have fainted if they were in your place.

this smile doesn't mean anything good.

"oh, look at you. weren't you the girl who confessed to reo? i'm sorry, what was your name again?" he asks, seeming to think seriously.

"y/n," you say, backing away, wanting to get out of the situation, but the white haired doesn't let you go that quickly.

"hey, where are you going in such a hurry?" he asks, laughing a bit, knowing exactly how embarrassed you must be.

a hand grabs your wrist and pulls you back with a jerk, causing you to stumble and you run into his chest.

great, what a cliché.

he merely enchants you so that you briefly even forget where you are and what had happened. his scent gets into your nose and it really drives you out of your mind.

"i knew you would like me better than reo," he puts his arm around you and you suddenly feel trapped. his grip is not tight, you could easily break free, but you can't and now you know what makes seishiro so incredibly dangerous. because even you get weak in the knees. "but it's all right, y/n, i don't mind at all," he whispers roughly in your ear, letting his lips wander briefly over the sensitive skin on your ear while his breath hitw the shell of your ear.

in fact, he's given you goosebumps, which doesn't escape his notice. "sensitive?," he states, laughing darkly again. "would you like to come over to my place tonight? tsk, what am i asking? how about you wait for me after school today and then we'll go to my place. if you want, we can go for a bubble tea before that. you decide, pretty."

"seishiro! leave her alone!" you hear your best friend yell, who is surely struggling with reo and could only react now.

you also get back to the here and now and can hardly believe that, no matter if it was only for a short time, you have totally fallen for seishiro.

with a strong jerk, you push him away from you, causing him to stumble back and he slams into the lockers. it can't have hurt him much, but by the look on his face you can see what you've actually done.

now you're probably on his bad side and no one wants that. still, you don't get small and lift your chin. "now listen to me carefully, seishiro. i have no interest in you or anything to do with you. do that to someone else, but not to me and don't you dare touch me again!" you angrily look at him.

seishiro is astonished, you see it immediately.

for the first time a girl has dared to speak out against him. normally there would be a good beating, but you're a girl and he has much pride that he never raises his hand against a woman — just because he is the way he is doesn't mean he wasn't raised well.

still, he can hurt you in other ways.

and he knows that he will take revenge on you again someday, because no one rejects nagi seishiro's.

he just has to figure out how he can and will do that.

"congratulations," he starts clapping. "you just got yourself in deep shit."

you knew that.

nevertheless, you laugh mockingly, making him even angrier. "i know, but you know what? i don't care at all. so, if you'll excuse me," you walk over to yumeko, who is coming towards you.

she opens her mouth to say something, but you just grab her by the wrist and quickly pull her behind you.

you two are the only ones who know that this was just a facade — you're not that brave to stand in front of seishiro for a moment longer.

and you're already dreading what he will do to you.

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