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"wow, for such a cheap youth camp, this is really nice" mai says enthusiastically as you enter the small forest hut, which bears the name 'fox construction'.

you made the three-hour drive to the youth camp, which is located in the middle of a forest, well, sitting next to mai. you were sitting quite far in the front, which is why you didn't hear much of seishiro, who was sitting in the very back together with reo and the many bitchy girls.

every now and then you had heard them laughing loudly, but since you were listening to music most of the time and mai was asleep, you didn't really pay attention.

what you did notice was that hyouma, who was sitting diagonally one row behind you, kept glancing at you.

when you looked around after feeling like you were being watched, you exchanged a quick glance with him where you could immediately tell he looked worried. you would definitely have to call him on it if you could.

you place your bag on one of the beds that are parallel to the walls on your right and left while mai plants the other bed and immediately takes out her bedding to cover it, which you do right after a few seconds.

"say, y/n, what's going on between you and seishiro?" she suddenly asks, causing you to almost choke on your own saliva.

"i beg your pardon?" you say, startled, and mai starts to giggle.

"you don't have to pretend, y/n. i've got you figured out, and you can tell me. i'm not one of those chicks who's into him, that's what i have my sae for," she laughs, smiling at the end as she tells you about her boyfriend.

you gulp.

what are you supposed to tell her?

you don't know what's going on between you and seishiro, if anything.

"to be honest, i have no idea and it's complicated," you somehow try to change the subject, but you must know mai so well that she will squeeze everything out of you.

"we have two hours of free time until lunch," she grins, sitting down on her freshly made bed and snuggles up to her pink pillow, which she has placed on her lap.

you roll your eyes, playfully annoyed, but you trust her and maybe it's good to finally talk to someone about it.

"so from the beginning, you must have noticed that i spoke up against him in the hallway. he looked pretty angry and i was afraid that he would ruin my life, but on the contrary. he offered a fresh start the next day and then invited me to his party. and another day he came to my house, we kissed and yes" you slowly stop as you see her overwhelmed face.

"wait, you had something with him but he didn't dump you? that doesn't sound like seishiro at all, but maybe he's got a crush on you," she wiggles her eyebrows at which you throw her off with a pillow. she just laughs and then gets serious again. "but please pay attention anyway. even if he acts differently and seems to have feelings for you, you never know exactly what kind of fake game he's playing" she then goes into the bathroom with her things to put them away in the closets.

you lie on the bed until suddenly there's a knock on the door and your heartbeat quickens.

is that seishiro?

excitedly, you go to the door and when you open it, hyouma's face greets you — he notices that you're a little disappointed and probably expecting someone else he can think of, but doesn't let it faze him.

"hey, do you have some time? i need to talk to you" he asks, seeming a bit nervous.

you immediately agree, wanting to talk to him yourself, which is the perfect opportunity. you tell mai that you'll be gone for a moment and then go outside with hyouma. together you walk along the path that leads through the whole camp and past the little houses.

playboy, nagi seishiro ✓Where stories live. Discover now