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"what do you mean, you're not coming?" you yell into your phone, just as you're getting dressed and still holding your toothbrush.

today is the start of the three-day trip to the youth camp, but yumeko has fallen ill at short notice and cannot come, which she has just told you.

you would like to go back to bed right away, because you don't want to go without her, but you have no other choice. never will your mother say that she is leaving you at home just because yumeko is not coming.

"i'm really sorry, y/n, but my mother really chained me to the bed and you know how she is. once she decides something, she doesn't change anything, and besides, i'm really miserable," she tries to apologize somehow, which makes you feel a little bad. she can't help it, after all, and knowing yumeko as you do, you know that she was looking forward to coming along and is now very disappointed about it herself.

secretly, you also know that she doesn't want you to go alone, especially because seishiro's class is going and she's afraid that he'll do something wrong.

"no, don't apologize. it's not your fault" you sigh into the receiver and continue brushing your teeth.

you think about who you're going to get into a room with now, because they've all been assigned and you can't stand most of the girls in your class because they're too arrogant and mean for you.

the problem is that there are two rooms, but you don't want to go to a single room.

"you can handle it and take care of yourself, okay? oh yeah, and call me when you get there," your best friend worries about you again, which makes you smile a little — even if she is sick, she would never forget to take care of you.

"okay, i will, i promise. i'll see you in three days" you say goodbye to her with a heavy heart and put your phone aside to finish getting ready.

"are you ready?" asks your mother, who drives to work a little late to take you to school with your travel bag. you just nod, immediately your mother notices that something must be wrong, but she waits until you're in the car before she starts asking you questions.

"are you okay? you look down," she says and looks briefly at you before turning her gaze back to the road.

"yeah, yumeko's just sick and can't come," you fumble with your seatbelt and look out the window.

"oh god, tell her i said get well soon. and you'll get the three days over with, maybe the guy you met will be there."

you nod thoughtfully before letting her words sink in and looking at her with widened eyes.

does she mean seishiro?

but how does she know about him?

"don't look at me like that. of course i knew you weren't with yumeko, but with someone else. do you think i can't tell when you're lying? besides, i know her and i know that she's single and would never cry after a boy. and i was young and in love once too." she laughs and only then do you actually realize how well your mother knows you.

you thought she didn't notice, but in doing so, you didn't realize that she saw through your lie. "have fun" she waves to you before you slam the car door behind you and join the others with your travel bag.

looking around you see mai standing all alone, so you go to her. she is in seishiro's class, but you have always gotten along well with her. maybe it's because you were very good friends together in elementary school, which could still be seen as such now.

"hey" you greet her and she immediately smiles at you with her cheerful smile. "hi. where's yumeko?" she immediately notices the absence of your best friend and you also notice that hibame, mai's best friend, is not there either.

"she's sick and can't come," you reply and see her nod in understanding.

"funny, hibame is also sick. do you think we could share a room together then?" she thinks and then looks at ms. park and mr. choi who are just coming to the meeting place together.

"let's find out" you hook your arm into hers and together you go to the teachers who are talking to each other a little apart.

suddenly, mai bumps a shoulder, for which she immediately wants to apologize, but doesn't even get a chance to speak, as reo, who has never been a morning person, angrily backstabs her about it.

"fuck, are you blind? do you have your eyes in the back or what?" he grumbles at her.

mai just stands there quietly, being more of one who never speaks her mind and just keeps quiet. you would just keep walking now, but it makes you angry the way reo treats her — especially since it was his fault that they jostled each other and he could have been more careful.

"just shut up, reo," you sneer at him, and he raises an eyebrow in amazement.

first you give seishiro the word and now you give it to him? respect — he likes you, but can't show it.

image and all, you know?

"tsk.." he makes, before walking over to seishiro, who has just arrived.

you look at him, which is why he looks at you briefly, but when he sees you, he just looks at you with a cold stare and then immediately looks away.

mai pulls you out of your thoughts as she drags you on to the teachers.

"your girl is pretty tough" the purple haired grins as he arrives at his best friend.

he just rolls his eyes. "i'll be glad to be rid of her soon" he says, annoyed, and looks at you again.

"oh yes, in case you haven't noticed. the protector yumeko isn't with her, so you're in the clear" reo laughs and seishiro joins in.


"let's see how much evil she would do for me." the two don't notice hyouma standing behind them, secretly listening in on their conversation.

he really needs to warn you.

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