on yedi

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"aren't you coming?" you ask yoichi as you get ready for the party at reo's house.

seishiro and you would meet there, he had written you the address last night.

"to reo's? no, i'd rather not," he looks at his phone again.

in confusion you look at him — whenever you talk about reo or seishiro, he tries to change the subject or only gives curt answers.

"why not? did something happen between you?" you look at him questioningly, but he immediately shakes his head again, doesn't look you in the eyes.

"i just don't feel like it, i don't feel so good either," he gives you a curt answer, as expected, and then looks up briefly to meet your confused gaze.

"is that okay?" you turn in front of him and immediately he smiles at you and nods.

"you look great, as always" he grins quizzically and you immediately smack him on the back of the head.

you say goodbye to yoichi and he promises to pick you up if you call him. he didn't give up until you agreed, even though you told him you could just walk or sleep at seishiro's.

a bit shy and excited, you enter the house, which must be reo's and already loud music is booming. immediately, the smell of alcohol and sweat comes to your nose and you slightly contort your face.

"well, you arrived well?" the purple haired asks you when he spots you. he smiles at you and, just like at the last party, he immediately puts an arm around your shoulder, pulls you along with him.

"here are the drinks, so what can i make you?" he grabs a cup, looks at you promptly.


"okay, okay, i'll just make you something," he laughs, purposefully grabs two bottles and mixes you a drink. "here you go. fruity, sweet and not too strong," he hands you the cup and with a small "thank you" you accept it, taking a small sip.

reo is right and it tastes really good.

"come with me. seishiro is in the living room" he pulls you with him again and even as you step into the living room, the music is louder and the air is stuffier.

there are more people dancing, fucking or drinking, only a few are talking.

"ah, there she is! our guest of honor!" someone suddenly shouts and you immediately recognize the voice. seishiro is looking at you, holding a bottle of alcohol in one hand and a girl in the other arm, grinning nastily at you.

"is this the girl you're messing with, seishiro?" the girl in his arm asks and immediately he grins nastily.

"yes, let me introduce you, this is y/n, the girl who turned against me and is now learning the consequences. she even gave me money," the playboy says loudly so that everyone can hear.

you're frozen, your heart beating fast. you don't know if this is all a dream or reality. slowly, seishiro walks toward you, his triumphant smile on his face, until he comes to a stop in front of you.

leaning forward, his breath is brushing your ear. "you should never have raised your word against me" he whispers, and only then do you awaken from your stupor.

"i thought you loved me" you breathe, to which he just laughs.

"if you remember, i never told you that i loved you. you were the only one who said it, and you were naive enough to fall for it all" he watches the first tears run down your cheeks.

you look around; everyone looks at you with amusement.

you feel dirty and stupid.

how could you fall for nagi seishiro?

playboy, nagi seishiro ✓Where stories live. Discover now