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opening your eyes it's bright outside and the sun is shining into your room, since you forgot to close the curtains when you came home from the party.

you close your eyes again, not yet fully accustomed to the bright light. turning away from the window you immediately wince when yoichi's face is just inches from yours.

even though he's still asleep, you can clearly see the circles under his eyes and you really don't want to know what you look like. "yoichi, get up!" you mumble after a few minutes of lying in bed, thinking about the party and especially seishiro.

what the hell were you thinking?

"mmhhh." your cousin moans, opens his eyes agonizingly slowly, closing them immediately as the sun shines into his face. he wants to reach for the blanket, but you're faster and pull it away.

annoyed, yoichi tries to take the blanket from you, but gives up after a few seconds and sits upright. his hand goes to his head and he moans again, this time in pain.

"go take a shower and then come down. i'll make us breakfast and give you a pain pill" you get up, leaving him back in your room.

less than half an hour later yoichi is standing in the kitchen in sweatpants and a t-shirt. you always have some of each other's things at home, in case you have a spontaneous sleepover party.

yoichi smiles gratefully at you, as you put the glass with the dissolved painkiller and a plate with toast and fried eggs in front of him.

"i can hardly remember last night," he begins, laughing slightly, and you can already guess what he's getting at, so you give him a warning look, but he skilfully ignores you, as usual. "but i remember very clearly that you were alone with seishiro in his room," he then looks at you seriously. "is there something going on between you two, y/n?" he asks you, which is what you were waiting for him to ask you.

immediately, you shake your head. "we were just talking" you explain as he gets up, putting his dishes in the dishwasher.

he grins again, as dirty as he did at the party in the white haired's room. "that's what they all say."


"i knew seishiro had something to do with this!" yumeko grumbles when she comes to you in the afternoon so you can do your homework together and study for the upcoming chemistry test.

"yeah, i should have listened to you," you mumble, reading through a text about chemical equilibrium for the third time, but you just can't get anything through your head.

"well, you should have," she laughs, but then becomes serious again. "did anything happen besides him showing you the bathroom?" she asks, but you immediately shake your head.

see, you don't want to lie to her, but you have the constricting feeling that you have to. as if what happened between you and seishiro wasn't a mistake and you're afraid yumeko will find out.

she'd be pissed if she knew.

she nods reassuringly, then briefly looks at her phone, where you see that her brother rensuke has texted her.

"oh crap!" she curses, getting up from the floor.

"what's wrong?" you ask, confused, and watch your best friend try to quickly stuff her things into her backpack, failing miserably, before calmly putting everything away.

"i have this family dinner today because my grandparents came to tokyo for a few days. i totally forgot" she says, shouldering her backpack and then giving you a quick hug.

"have fun" you call after her as she jogs down the stairs from your room.

you sigh as you're once again left alone with your thoughts. you were lucky that yumeko was able to distract you from seishiro pretty much the whole time, but she is gone now.

"y/n?," your mother calls and comes into your room the next moment. "are you alright?" she asks immediately and her smile disappears from her lips when she sees your lost in thought face — she has always been overly careful.

"yes, yes, everything is fine. what did you want to tell me?" you sit down with her on your bed.

"your dad and i are invited to a good friend's bachelor party tonight. unfortunately, it's a bit far away, so we're sleeping there. but that's not so bad, is it?" she asks, but you shake your head.

you've never minded staying home alone. in fact, you're always quite happy to have the whole house to yourself, turn up the music and do whatever you want without anyone telling you to stop.

"well, maybe yoichi can come over. by the way, don't forget that you're off on monday, tomorrow. movable vacation." your mother winks at you before she walks out, closing the door behind her.

in between, this woman still treats you like a little child, but you shouldn't complain. she's one of the most important people in your life and is always there for you. besides, she's right, you could call yoichi, because he's certainly not going to another party today, due to the hangover he had this morning.

but to be honest, you don't feel like seeing any people, even if it's always funny with your cousin.

oh y/n, you should have called him..

"we're off now. we'll be back tomorrow evening!" your mother calls a few hours later, and then it's quiet. maybe a little too quiet, because you immediately feel a little uneasy.

otherwise you don't have any problems being alone, so what makes this time so different?

you only get this feeling when something is about to happen.

you decide to watch some tv, because it always relaxes you. the first part of maze runner is on, which you have already seen a hundred times, but always watch again.

it's dawn outside, so the last rays of the sun shine through the large window in the living room, bathing everything in a calming atmosphere.

smiling a little, you reach for your glass and are about to drink from it when the doorbell rings. you stop moving and the beautiful atmosphere disappears as if on cue.

who the hell is that?

"okay, now don't shit your pants, y/n," you try to encourage yourself, which doesn't work so well.

you get up, slowly walk to the front door. through the blurry glass, you can make out a darkly dressed person. immediately, you put your hand over your heart and smile a little, thinking that your cousin is standing in front of the door.

"yoichi, what-" your eyes widen as you realize who is standing in front of your door.

it is definitely not your cousin.

"what's up, babe?"

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